I'm spanking new 2 Linux. I saw "Last Linux by T3AM-LASTOS [h33t]" which looked Kewl so I d/l the
torrent. However the disc doesn't Boot or nuttin'. I would really like to get this installed to see if it's
as good as it claims to be. Is there a generous soul out there with time on their hands to build me
a bootable/installable DVD ? If you want to charge a reasonable price for your efforts with at least
some kind of promise it will work I would consider it. send me a private message OK ? Hope I get
a nibble on this cuz I really wanna try this here Linux to see if it's all you guys say it is !!

God Bless

Wells P. Martin
Vietnam Vet '66-'67
Military Police
Sentry Dog Handler
An-Khe Det "O" 212th MP Co. K9

EDIT NOTE: an e-mail link was removed by a moderator and replaced by the private message line. We do not like to post open e-mail addresses here because they will quickly be harvested bu spammers and result in a flood of unwanted spam The private message feature allows users to contact youi directly (and you get an email notification of that contact) without exposing your e-mail addresses for spammers.