Quote Originally Posted by chip.ling
Quote Originally Posted by sbininit
I was wondering if there is a way to view the commands that the knoppix network utility uses? The answer has to be somewhere in there. Where would one find the script it uses?

Sorry I failed to mention I was using knoppix 5.3.1. I kind of figured network connecting would all work about the same on any knoppix.
Well, if you really interested in it. You can go to the following two directories which hold all the programs you can run from the k-menu and the knoppix menu.

I take a look at the file kwlan.desktop under /usr/share/applications, I believe it is the Kwlan wireless LAN manager on the K-Menu

# cat /usr/share/applications/kwlan.desktop | head

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=kwlan %i %m -caption "%c"
Comment=KDE network manager
Comment[da]=KDE's netværkshåndtering
Comment[el]=ÎιαÏειÏιÏÏÎ®Ï Î´Î¹ÎºÏÏÎ¿Ï ÏÎ¿Ï KDE
On the 4th line, the command after Exec= is the actual command it runs.

From the /KNOPPIX/usr/bin directory, you can find the kwlan program in binary format.

The problem of the GUI program is that, even you kick it off from command line and it MIGHT end up go back to the interactive GUI interface mode and ask you to provide input. Obviously you cannot put it into your automation script.

It's up to the developer's preference to provide a batch silent mode (i.e. you enter all required parameters up front or allow you to enter all input from a configuration file) or not.


Well, it works I guess that's the main thing. I just kinda figured that it would work like Ubuntu 8.10.

ifconfig ra0 up followed by dhclient gets you going. Sometimes you might have to do an ifconfig ra0 down and back up but not often. Ubuntu 9.04 supports the usb wireless out of the box, I guess everything will in time though. Thanks for the replys.