Okay, here is everything I've done in a nutshell.

Install Knoppix 6 to HD

Updated the source.list to lenny's and did an apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade

Installed kdm and kde-core

At this point, everything was working fine. Tested everything, including kdm and kde-core.

After that, I installed kde-desktop. And suddenly I KNetworkManager can't see my network devices, and I can't use the net. Kwifimanager sees and connects to my wifi network, but I still can't access the internet. I can see both my network devices (eth0 and the wlan) in the network setings thingie.

Any tips to a linux newbie on where to look next? (I know it's 'wrong' for a linux newb to go with knoppix 6, but I wanna learn and all I want is a nod in the right direction)