Sorry to have to ask, but searching the forums for "PCMCIA" is a pretty bad experience. There's no way I can see to filter out posts with no replies. There's no way I can see to order the search results by date. There's nothing in the FAQs about PCMCIA.

I've got a 10 year old notebook with an ethernet card in a PCMCIA slot. I'm using it right now with a KNOPPIX 5.1 Live CD. The 5.1 Live CD obviously supports my ethernet card in its PCMCIA slot.

I just burned a KNOPPIX 6.2 Live CD and it boots OK, but there doesn't appear to be support for PCMCIA in 6.2, so my ethernet card doesn't work. The ethernet card's LEDs don't light up. I don't find any way to recognize or enable PCMCIA in 6.2.

Too bad there isn't a "knoppix pcmcia" cheatcode.

Is PCMCIA no longer supported? If not, what's the last version of KNOPPIX that did support it?

Wish the forum search returned more meaningful results. Wish Linux was supported.