I think there is need for a bugfix release: The ordinary way to do /dev/loop* devices is to create /dev/loop0 .. /dev/loop7. And so it is done in 6.2.1 init.
BUT - mount no longer uses those, and if you issue losetup -a to list the loop devices set up, you only get an entry for dev/loop/0.
losetup -f should give you the first free loop device on a newly booted system, but there is none. Only /dev/loop/0 is created at boot time, and that is occupied by knoppix-data.img when you have a persistent image.

If you, for example, need to loop-mount an ISO-image, you are stuck. I ran into the problem when my extra persistent images knoppix-data2.img and knoppix-data3.img did not show up as mounted, even if they should have been by /etc/rc.local.

I fixed it by issuing
mknod -m660 /dev/loop/1 b 7 1
mknod -m660 /dev/loop/2 b 7 2
and mounting by hand. Copying the commands into /etc/rc.local worked well.

We can't expect people to get around this bug, maybe they won't even understand why things don't work. So this should be cared for in a bugfix release og 6.2.1, I think.