i have knoppix 6.2 hd install and i updated it by apt-get update and by update manager - did i do something wrong by update?

i found that open office in knoppix 6.2 is not working - it showed some German message that and asking me to install open office again


i tried to copy files from knoppix 6.2.1 but surprise knoppix 6.2.1 dvd was unable to mount any file system- neither raiserfs nor ntfs -so wonderful !!! is it only to me that every next version of knoppix is worst then previous?

so i tried to update open office but was unable - too many dependencies , i uninstalled the office and tried to install it again
from deb packages - i was unable - too many dependencies

then i tried to install it from rpm - but some error occurred... so i have no office now i have no way to uninstall and no way to install

what to do now?

i wanted to update hd install form knoppix 6.2.1 but oopsss - no way ... why so ?

it seems that linux is so user unfriendly.... and community says that i have to stay away from hd install ...

please don't tell me to stay away from hd install - this does not work - it is equal to say me to stay away from linux at all

thanks (unfortunately for now there is headache to thank for)

best regards