I've been having some interesting issues with the Windows convention of setting the hardware clock to local time. Knoppix seems to expect that the hardware clock will always be set to UTC and it seems that all the time zone-related cheatcodes are based around this assumption (they simply offset the hardware clock the appropriate amount). Normally this isn't a big deal: Knoppix just assumes that the hwclock and time zone are both UTC (even though they're both US/Eastern) and they all lived happily ever after.

Not Tor, though. The combination of a UTC timezone and a hardware clock set to local time freaks Tor out to no end, and makes it unable to communicate properly with the network. Setting the time properly (or installing NTP or something) handles this issue nicely, but... now Windows thinks the clock is four hours off!

I think I've tracked this issue to /usr/share/initscripts/default.rcS, where a setting of UTC=yes is requiring the OS to treat the hardware clock as UTC. This setting is "no" on my Ubuntu installation that dual-boots with Windows, and it treats the hardware clock properly. Does anyone know of a cheatcode that can change this value on the fly? I might try setting it to "no", then using the utc cheatcode in combination with tz and see what the results are sometime later.