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Thread: Logicube Forensic Quest Knoppix Live CD

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Question Logicube Forensic Quest Knoppix Live CD

    I am currently working with a Computer Forensic Lab on imaging hard drives for analysis. We are using a Logicube Forensic Quest image device which has the capability of imaging hard drives via USB using a special type of Knoppix disc. When trying to run on Windows 7 Home and Enterprise editions we receive the message of "Can Not Find Knoppix File System." It boots properly with Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows XP.

    I'm new to the world of Linux so any help would be greatly appreciated and please no discriminating or shrewd comments.


  2. #2
    Administrator Site Admin-
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by trorrer View Post
    .. a Logicube Forensic Quest image device which has the capability of imaging hard drives via USB using a special type of Knoppix disc. When trying to run on Windows 7 Home and Enterprise editions we receive the message of "Can Not Find Knoppix File System." It boots properly with Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows XP.
    Normal Knoppix doesn't care in the least what version of Windows you have, or if you even have Windows at all, or even if you have a hard disk. I find it unlikely that any system based on Knoppix would care either, and think it is far more likely that there is some hardware difference between the systems that you can boot on and the systems that you can't. If you could identify the difference you might be able to identify some "cheat code" to help you boot. See the wiki section on cheat cods for details.

    Cannot find Knoppix file system is often an indication of a bad high speed burn of the media, or a problem with the optical drive trying to read the disc, although it could also be an indication that the system lacks the proper drivers for the particular hardware in question.
    Verifying of md5 checksum and burning a CD at slow speed are important.

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