Knoppix 7.0.5 lets me turn off compiz fusion by going to /home/knoppix/.config/lxsession/LXDE and delete the "config" file, but I also had to go into the desktop.conf file and edit the "window_manager" under "[Session]" to read as "window_manager=kde" instead of "window_manager=compiz --replace" (all without the quotation marks). I used the "vi" editor to do this. You'll love "vi" when you learn to use it! I also needed to click the logout button and then let it log me back in automatically before the editing that I did would take effect.
Quote Originally Posted by mecho View Post
If after boot you still get compiz - delete the file /home/knoppix/.config/lxsession/LXDE/config

All this is assuming that you run knoppix from usb with persistent data file.If run from cd, there is no way of changing it apart from remastering