I used to have a copy of a knoppix live cd my friend gave me said it was knoppix hacks it had the hacks book logo for the background. He had told me it was specificly designed for doing things that windows and windows based viruses wouldnt let you do. Like for instance I've bought a HDD from a flea market the guy showed me it booted up while I was there it is a 120gb drive for $20. I want to MAKE SURE I remove everything that was on the drive and any trace of it. I was told you can do that with hacks, I dont know what they have had on their drives and I dont want to get introuble for someone elses download. So after that long drawn out bit of info I was wondering where I can download this OS or something of equal-greater ability.
Thanks for reading anyhelp is appricated
P.S.: I have UBCD, DSL, and Mint9 so if i can do it with those let me know still new to linux.