Hello and I would like to thank Mr. Knopper for showing the linux community what is possible. I very much enjoy booting my box with Knoppix and getting away from my "other" operating system.
I know that knoppix is a demonstration of how much software can be crammed on a cdr that will boot on about any pc without a hitch. I know people are working on smaller versions that will fit on a 3.5 inch cdr. I am a linux rookie and as I look through all the programs installed it looks like most of it can be omitted.
Knoppix-lite or whatever it should be called needs to have one program for each popular activity. It should be modeled as far as programs that are installed goes like Mac OSX. I am stating that Apple spent alot of effort to include enough software to actually do something right out of the box. Trim out all the fat and leave software that the average Joe will use.
I know I am on a soapbox but I think the linux universe needs to start contracting back together. There are too many distros. There are too many people re-inventing the wheel. My dream is of a linux that can boot and install like knoppix, the great looks and simplicity of Lycoris/Xandros/Lindow and free like debian.