
I have a HP workstation xw4200 with a SATA controller that can be configured as a stand-alone SATA controller (no RAID) or in full f/w RAID 0, 1 or ... mode. In my configuration it is set up in a RAID 1 mode, presenting the two 160 GB disks as one mirrored set.
Windows installation detected only one disk, being the mirrored volume. Installation of Windows succeeded. Windows presents the RAID controller as a standard disk (such as IDE) and did not require specific drivers to be installed.

Now I want to copy information I put aside back to this RAID volume, using knoppix.
Problem is knoppix only reports the two individual disks, not the RAID volume.
I can see the RAID set but the status says "RAID is not available".

fdisk -l only lists the individual disks, not the RAID set.
My question: what can I do to mount this RAID volume?

Thanks for any information that could help,
