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Thread: Unofficial cheatcode for those who miss the old official home= cheatcode

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Unofficial cheatcode for those who miss the old official home= cheatcode

    For Knoppix 6, the initialisation script (init) and others were rewritten and several cheatcodes folks used under Knoppix 5 disappeared. Among these is home=, which allowed the Knoppix persistent data to be stored on a different device from the main Knoppix image and was the way to use persistent data with a CD/DVD.

    Below is a patch for the init script that implements a cheatcode that does the same job. The patch is for Knoppix 6.4.3 (developed against a USB install of the EN version of the DVD). Since it is a patch, there is a fair chance it will apply cleanly to the init script of other Knoppix 6 releases. It should also apply to init scripts with other local modifications provided the functions createdata() and mountdata() have not been changed.

    This is not an attempt to port the old implementation of home= from Knoppix 5 to Knoppix 6 but an new implementation from scratch. As such, it may behave differently so it is named differently.


    The cheatcode will attempt to mount the device /dev/aDev on /media/aDev and try to mount a persistent data image at the path someDirectories/theImage.ext.

    If the persistent data image does not exist, the create image dialogue will create one but the file type extension is ignored and you will get a persistent image with the file type aes or img, depending on whether you choose the encryption or not.

    If the attempt to mount /dev/aDev on /media/aDev fails, then the fall back is the default of /mnt-system/KNOPPIX/knoppix-data.{aes,img}. /dev/aDevmust be a block device with a file system recognised by the init script on a partition recognised by the Knoppix boot kernel (possibly with the addition of extra modules).

    File systems currently supported are vfat, ntfs-3g, reiserfs, ext3, ext2 (no, lvm2 is not recognised). Devices supported include hard-drive and USB block devices but probably not SD and other camera flash devices (but you're welcome to try).

    The init script function that creates the persistent data image checks that there is enough space on the device and gives up silently if there is not. A consequence of this is that when you boot from a CD/DVD, the init script does not ask if you want to create a persistent image because there is no free space on a CD/DVD.

    There is no reason to suppose the knoppix_data= cheatcode is will not work with (a remastered) Knoppix CD/DVD but this has not been tested.

    The patch is to be applied to the init script, which is packed into minirt.gz, See the Wiki for notes on how to pack and unpacked minirt.gz. For a USB installation, minirt.gz can be copied from and back to the Knoppix boot partition. For Knoppix on a CD/DVD, a remastering of the Knoppix iso file is required and a new CD/DVD burnt.

    ---    2010-11-25 18:53:50.000000000 +0000
    +++ init    2011-02-20 09:40:29.000000000 +0000
    @@ -565,7 +566,8 @@
      local rc size avail
    - avail="$(df -m /mnt-system | awk '{size=$4}END{print size - 1}')"
    + knoppix_data="${knoppix_data%.*}"
    + avail="$(df -m "${knoppix_data%/*}" | awk '{size=$4}END{print size - 1}')"
      [ "$avail" -ge 200 ] 2>/dev/null || return 2
      runknoppixchroot /usr/bin/dialog --timeout 10 --inputbox "\n${CREATEIMG1}${avail}${CREATEIMG2}\n" 16 75 2>/tmp/knoppix.size; rc="$?"
      echo -n "${CLEAR}"
    @@ -576,6 +578,7 @@
      [ -b /dev/loop0 ]    || mknod -m 755 /dev/loop0 b 7 0
      [ -d /KNOPPIX-DATA ] || mkdir -m 755 /KNOPPIX-DATA
      if [ "$rc" = 0 ]; then # Encrypted
    +  knoppix_data=$knoppix_data.aes
       local pw1="" pw2="" len=0 mods="" m
       while [ -z "$pw1" -o -z "$pw2" -o x"$pw1" != x"$pw2" -o "$len" -lt 4 ]; do
    @@ -592,27 +595,41 @@
        [ -d /sys/module/"$m" ] || mods="$mods $m"
       [ -n "$mods" ] && runknoppixchroot /sbin/modprobe $mods >/dev/null 2>&1
    -  createfile /mnt-system/"$knoppix_dir"/knoppix-data.aes "$size"
    +  createfile $knoppix_data "$size"
       losetup -d /dev/loop0 2>/dev/null
    -  runknoppixlib /sbin/losetup -p 0 -e aes -k 256 /dev/loop0 /mnt-system/"$knoppix_dir"/knoppix-data.aes </tmp/; rc="$?"; rm -f /tmp/
    +  runknoppixlib /sbin/losetup -p 0 -e aes -k 256 /dev/loop0 $knoppix_data </tmp/; rc="$?"; rm -f /tmp/
       runknoppixlib /sbin/mke2fs -F -m 0 /dev/loop0
       sleep 2; echo -n "$CLEAR"
       mount -t ext2 -o rw /dev/loop0 /KNOPPIX-DATA && return 0
      else # Unencrypted
    -  createfile /mnt-system/"$knoppix_dir"/knoppix-data.img "$size"
    -  runknoppixlib /sbin/mke2fs -F -m 0 /mnt-system/"$knoppix_dir"/knoppix-data.img
    +  knoppix_data=$knoppix_data.img
    +  createfile $knoppix_data "$size"
    +  runknoppixlib /sbin/mke2fs -F -m 0 $knoppix_data
       sleep 2; echo -n "$CLEAR"
    -  mount -t ext2 -o loop,rw /mnt-system/"$knoppix_dir"/knoppix-data.img /KNOPPIX-DATA && return 0
    +  mount -t ext2 -o loop,rw $knoppix_data /KNOPPIX-DATA && return 0
      return 1
      local img base ext m mods found=""
    - for base in /mnt-system/"$knoppix_dir"/knoppix-data /mnt-system/knoppix; do
    -  for ext in aes img; do
    -   img="$base.$ext"
    + if [ -n "${knoppix_data}" ]; then
    +  [ "${knoppix_data#/dev/}" != "${knoppix_data}" ] && knoppix_data="/media/${knoppix_data#/dev/}"
    +  if [ "${knoppix_data#/media/}" != "${knoppix_data}" ]; then
    +   img="${knoppix_data#/media/}"; img="${img%%/*}"
    +   mkdir -p "/media/${img}"
    +   trymount "/dev/${img}" "/media/${img}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || knoppix_data="" 
    +   [ -n "${knoppix_data}" -a "${knoppix_data#/media/*/}" == "${knoppix_data}" ] && knoppix_data="${knoppix_data}/${knoppix_dir}/knoppix-data"
    +  fi
    +  [ -d "${knoppix_data}" -o "${knoppix_data}" != "${knoppix_data%/}" ] && knoppix_data="${knoppix_data%/}/knoppix-data"
    + fi
    + [ -z "$knoppix_data" ] && knoppix_data="/mnt-system/$knoppix_dir/knoppix-data";
    + for base in "$knoppix_data" "/mnt-system/$knoppix_data" "/mnt-system/$knoppix_dir/$knoppix_data" /mnt-system/knoppix; do
    +  for ext in "" .aes .img; do
    +   img="$base$ext"
        [ -r "$img" ]        || continue
    +   [ -d "$img" ]        && continue
    +   knoppix_data=$img
        message -e "\r${CRE}${GREEN}${USING} ${YELLOW}$img${NORMAL}"
        [ -b /dev/loop0 ]    || mknod -m 755 /dev/loop0 b 7 0
        [ -d /KNOPPIX-DATA ] || mkdir -m 755 /KNOPPIX-DATA

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    Columbia, Maryland USA
    @ Professor Forester

    Your observations and the avenue you have opened up here prompt me to
    ask a question I could not articulate before. It is the following:

    I'm happy enough working with a 2Gb SD Card which emulates a LiveUSB
    rendition of Knoppix, currently 6.4.4, with lots of tweaks saved up
    in knoppix-data.img. I have 1181 Mb allotted to knoppix-data.img.
    I've only used about 240 Mb so far, so economizing for space is not
    for me a motivator for any change.

    I save my knoppix-data.img occasionally in case of a crash. But
    restoring from a crash is a clumsy affair I'd like to improve upon.
    A crash is defined as having shut down such that a knoppix-data-img
    was written to the SDCard that now won't boot or operate properly.
    Recovery for me means deleting the unworkable knoppix-data.img
    and replacing it with a saved copy. Requires a CD Knoppix and time.

    I'd like to re-master, without all the fuss and real estate usually
    associated with it. I'd like to be able to accumulate my tweaks within
    the same SD Card into past-knoppix-data.img and current-knoppix-data.img
    possibly, by successively, and occasionally incorporating the
    past-knoppix-data.img tweaks into the basic Knoppix compressed image
    and re-allocating a diminished space for current-knoppix-data.img additions.

    This, in essence, might be a mere variation of your idea.
    Except here only one medium involved, the single SD Card, or USB device,
    if you prefer. It may only require an option in your patch which
    enables this to occur when selected by a slightly different cheatcode.

    Also, FYI, my laptop thinks the SDCard slot is its USB #3 (out of 4),
    and I have not found any resrictions, other than mechanical, in
    treating the SD Card as any other USB device.
    Last edited by utu; 02-20-2011 at 07:52 PM.

  3. #3
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    @ utu san

    Much to learn I still have !

    You touch upon a number of interesting points that may each merit their own thread but I can find no question mark that delineates the question you articulate.

    Why I can't see my camera card from Knoppix is on the list of things to look into some day. Meanwhile a thead that collects together what works already and what doesn't might be handy.

    $ lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0cf2:6250 ENE Technology, Inc.
    For me, it may be as simple as adding 0cf2:6250 to a list somewhere.

    You have a large knoppix-data.img that is little used. I started with a much more modest 512 Mb image and was alarmed at how fast this space was gobbled up by greedy programs. I am interested in folks' experience and that might be another thread.

    Back up and restore of knoppix-data.img could be the topic for yet another thread. I'm still thinking about this but I guess it means messing around with the init script again. * Sigh *

    I am new to remastering and I'm deliberately making it hard by using the DVD rather than the CD. I am actively looking into ways of reducing the 'fuss and the real estate requirements' but that's a thread for a different forum.

    My 'avenue' ? Do you mean my use of patch to present the changes ? That's hardly new. I use patch as a way of keeping my 'tweaks' separate and reapplying them after a major upgrade. That's another thread and I don't think 'How do I do it ?' is the question you articulate.

    Are you referring to my attempt to emulate the old home= cheatcode ? I believe that something like home= should be an option for all, even those who may never need it. I, myself, am not using it at the moment. I've made it public in what I hope is the true Open Source tradition. If someone finds it useful someday, tant meiux, if not, tant pis but the best would be for someone take it and improve on it.

    The loss of home=means Knoppix 6 is considerably less versatile that its predecessors and that is regrettable. My 'observation' is the assumption that it is OK to insist the compressed image and the persistent store are in the same directory is a case of 'premature optimisation'. A cardinal sin often committed by projects with resources or time inadequate to the task. If Knoppix is very largely a solo effort, then the Ingenieur has my pity but not my sympathy.

    My goal is indeed to simplify (aka make safe by reducing the number of manual steps involved) the process of folding changes recorded in knoppix-data.img into the KNOPPIX image. I think 'Is this possible ?' is your question. That too is another thread and I think you have already started that one.
    Last edited by Forester; 02-22-2011 at 07:25 PM. Reason: Can't read my own typing,

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    @ Forester

    Here's what I'd like to automate into Knoppix by means of
    its cheatcodes, and for extra credit, do this without re-mastering.

    In principle, the Knoppix system is made up by bringing together
    three files. The compressed image KNOPPIX, a compressed file
    update*.tar.gz and an un-compressed knoppix-data.img.
    For simplicity, let's call these A, B & C.

    Most of us don't use the compressed B, but it's there to be used.

    Most of us have an uncompressed C which has all our neat little
    tweaks, saved in a file that is ALWAYS bigger than necessary.
    It's not full, and it's not compressed.

    After using C for a while without changes and without finding
    problems, I'd like to promote the tweaks in C into a compressed
    version of the same in B.

    Having done so, I'd like to re-allocate the space availabe for
    a new ~empty C, to make room for B or a bigger B as the case
    may be.

    Being an optimist, I'd like to achieve all this on-line rather
    than off-line (as in re-mastering), manipulating cheatcodes.

    The question is, how do I do this?
    Provoking someone proficient in bash scripting, maybe?

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    HI anyone reading this and wondering whether there was any follow up to utu san's digression.

    Yes there was ... see though there utu is actually thinking about the knoppix_dir cheatcode,

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    New Patches

    New patches for the knoppix_data= are needed to work properly with 'squashed' Knoppix.

    Attached are:
    - generalise.txt which is the same patch as uploaded in post #29 of
    - mountbypath.txt which is the same patch as uploaded in post #1 of
    - knoppix_data.txt which implements the knoppix_data= cheatcode (in a single line)
    - knoppixsh.txt which is a patch for /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig

    Remember ? The old Wiki is full of talk of how this can be used to customise Knoppix start up by the back door. Until someone wrote in there that is didn't work with Knoppix 6.0.1.

    Perhaps it didn't but it does work with Knoppix 6.4.3 and 6.4.4. The snag is that in the simpler world of Knoppix 6, has to be in the same directory as KNOPPIX and knoppix-data.img. If you're running from CD or DVD, you can't have a any more than you can have a knoppix-data.img.

    Since the knoppix_home= cheat code allows you to put knoppix-data.img somewhere else so that you can have a persistent store even when running from CD or DVD, it seems only fair that you can put there too and expect it to work. This is what the final patch implements.

    Have fun,
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #7
    Senior Member registered user
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    Professor Forester,

    In my small LiveUSB world, may I ignore these four new creations for the moment?

    Are these new pronouncements meant only for liveCD/DVD and hd installs?
    Last edited by utu; 03-01-2011 at 10:24 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by utu View Post
    In my small LiveUSB world, may I ignore these four new creations for the moment?
    Yes is the short answer. The long answer is almost as complex as the instructions for filling in a tax return form.

    If you don't want to use the cheat code, then don't apply the patches.

    If you want to use the cheat code and have not already used the original patch in the post that started this thread, then use these patches and not the original.

    If you have already applied the original patch and don't want to try squashed knoppix, then stay as you are.

    If you applied the original patch you might still want to try the patch for but that does not involve remastering.

    @ utu

    BTW I can now remaster my USB install without fuss or additional real estate. I'll write up how when I've fewer distractions.

  9. #9
    Senior Member registered user
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    @ Forester

    I'm good at taxes, but bash scripting's not my thing.

    So, if I'm not sold on squashing yet, I can go ahead with
    the earlier scripts to see how a standard Knoppix 6.4.4
    might be patched to allow cheatcodes to effect the
    processes outlined in 'Making use of update*.tar.gz'.

    What have you and the others done to convince anybody
    that squash beats anything by any useful measure?
    Is it 30% faster or does it take 30% less resources or
    is it 30% cheaper in some way? I don't buy 30% more
    complicated or 30% more interesting or 30% newer.

    Your last line is a real grabber. I presumed that this
    item on my wishlist was 'a bridge too far'.
    Really interested to see how you made this leap.

  10. #10
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    it is about 200 % faster to compress otto
    it boots a tad faster and is also smaller.
    squashfs is under very active development and cloop isn't

    you don't need to squashify your knoppix install but it's really easy to do (even I succeeded after screwing up 4 times)

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