Quote Originally Posted by dinosoep View Post
I have no clue how you got the patches working or what I am doing wrong on my end.
I retried to apply all the patches a couple of times but got kernel panic or other problems.
Now I just decided to apply generalise.txt on a new minirt.gz and make no other modifications.
after booting up he tries to search for knoppix a couple of times in usb and hard drives but never finds them.
then in red there pops up "could not mount disk to mnt-system. Starting debug shell..."
and I can navigate around
/KNOPPIX is empty
/KNOPPIX-DATA non-existing
/mnt-system empty

where did I made a mistake?
Oh dear dinosoep,

The red message means /init can't find your KNOPPIX image on any flash or hard drive partition. The patch generalise.txt has nothing to do with this part of /init.

However, I remember you have squashed KNOPPIX. Is that still the case ? Is your KNOPPIX file now named KNOPPIX.sq ?

You say you have started again with a new minirt.gz. If this is the one that came with Knoppix 6.4.4 then its /init script will be looking for an unsquashed KNOPPIX. That would explain the red message.

I suspect you need either to 'patch' /init with your own patch to boot squashed Knoppix or use the squashfs.txt patch I offered.

Get that working first. If that's OK save your minirt.gz somewhere safe before trying to put on any other patches.

If you are wondering, no you don't need to apply any patch more than once, even if it appears on more than one thread.

When you apply a patch you will get Hunk messages. They should say succeeded. If any say failed, stop right there. We'll have to figure out why the patch failed. It certainly isn't safe to go forward with only half a patch.