
I've done a hard drive install of Knoppix 3.2 versions 5/3/03 and 5/21/03, and I've noticed that after adding a new user account, I could not launch kppp dial-up tool. I then found that permissions needed to be manually set, which I did. After setting up kppp, I was still getting 'unknown host' error messages, speciffically under ver 5/21/03. After poking, I found that there is a sym link from /etc/resolv.conf to /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf and that neither of them is auto configured. When running Knoppix from CD-ROM, I've never had to edit /etc/resolv.conf which I liked over Red Hat version 6.1 that I had tried years ago, as its documentation was useless for newbies on getting connected to the net. Moreover, running from CD there is no sym link. What's up with that? This is a stumbling block for new users. Does it also imply that the nameserver ip address is a default value of some kind and not a static value? I've added read/write permissions for both /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf and noticed that they are not updated after connecting. Can anyone shed some more light on this? Each time I did hd-install, I followed exactly the same steps to add startup programs in the script.


Joseph Schiller