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Thread: How to make copy of corrupt windows boot drive.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2011

    How to make copy of corrupt windows boot drive.

    Downloaded Knoppix 6.4 since my understanding was that it might be useful at this task. Spent the last week or so, researching the issues, and still haven't found a complete step-by-step guide to doing this. My understanding is the Knoppix used to come with "Partimage" which was able to do this function. This program doesn't seem to be available on the downloaded disc. [Is this program only accessible from the terminal interface?] My basic objective was to create a copy of my corrupted drive (unable to open in Windows) so that I could try various approaches to restoring the original drive function. I have the computer running on XP through a secondary drive, so I have computer function in Windows and Knoppix. ISSUE 1: Incidentally, on my new Windows install, I had made the partition for the Boot system too small, and decided to try and increase the partition size. After some looking around I found a folder called "Preferences" which opened a window called "Desktop Setting". In here was the program "Gparted". At first I had wanted to make a complete image copy of the fresh install before I experimented with "Gparted" but could not locate a program to make the disc image. I went ahead anyway, since the fresh install of Windows would be simple enough if the program failed. Good Job! Gparted changed my partition size, and my computer rebooted on the second try after ChkDsc fixed some sector allocation errors. No need to for a backup! Criticism: Why is Gparted in a folder called "preferences", when It would be intuitive for it to be in "Utilities". Further, why does preferences open a window called "Desktop Settings" from a folder called something else, and again why are there utilities programs filed under "Desktop Settings". This made for very strange navigation, and I only found this useful program by searching all the folders on the system. ISSUE 2: I have researched the topic of using Knoppix to make an image of my corrupt Windows boot drive using Knoppix for a couple of days, and can find no real "step-by-step" guide on how to do this -- there are various helpful web pages but all refer to different eras of the Knoppix system. I read this forum thread here [], but don't really understand it well enough to apply it to my system. Also, it is not really a user friendly system, and seems to require learning substantial amounts of Linux code in order to mount and make an image copy of the drive. Ultimately, I decided that I would just try and download Partimage onto the system with the objective of installing it onto my USB storage somehow. I found the system for making a bootable USB storage device, also in "preferences" (AKA "Desktop Settings"), but it seems like there is no easy system for adding new utilities to the USB storage device from the program "Install Knoppix to USB". Knoppox was mounted easily, and boots from the USB, but there is no clearly evident way to add new apps. ISSUE3: I thought maybe there was another way and tried to get the "Partimage" running from scratch on the system for a one time only use. I Downloaded Partimage and managed to unzip the BZ2 zip file (after learning a little Linux) but could not compile the program because various thing were missing such as, "BZ2.Lib" but managed to surmount this by getting updates through "Synaptic Package Manager", came up with more errors and tried again. Finally "Synaptic Package Manager" crashed my system after I tried to update for "SSL Headers". Interestingly, "Synaptic Package Manager" says that Partimage is "installed". However, since no help files are available I have no idea what this means, since the program is not to be found in the files structure, which is why I ask if this program is run through the terminal? It's been interesting, but not very rewarding in the long run, even though Gparted did a great job with my partition, and I think its safe to say that the system rescue utilities of this system are limited, and possibly really only recomended for users with a solid basis in Linux programing, which I am not, unfortunately.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011
    please, try to use newlines...
    this is your post a bit more formatted:

    Downloaded Knoppix 6.4 since my understanding was that it might be useful at this task.
    Spent the last week or so, researching the issues, and still haven't found a complete step-by-step guide to doing this.
    My understanding is the Knoppix used to come with "Partimage" which was able to do this function.
    This program doesn't seem to be available on the downloaded disc. [Is this program only accessible from the terminal interface?]
    My basic objective was to create a copy of my corrupted drive (unable to open in Windows) so that I could try various approaches to restoring the original drive function.
    I have the computer running on XP through a secondary drive, so I have computer function in Windows and Knoppix.

    ISSUE 1: Incidentally, on my new Windows install, I had made the partition for the Boot system too small, and decided to try and increase the partition size.
    After some looking around I found a folder called "Preferences" which opened a window called "Desktop Setting".
    In here was the program "Gparted".
    At first I had wanted to make a complete image copy of the fresh install before I experimented with "Gparted" but could not locate a program to make the disc image. I went ahead anyway, since the fresh install of Windows would be simple enough if the program failed.
    Good Job! Gparted changed my partition size, and my computer rebooted on the second try after ChkDsc fixed some sector allocation errors.
    No need to for a backup!

    Criticism: Why is Gparted in a folder called "preferences", when It would be intuitive for it to be in "Utilities".
    Further, why does preferences open a window called "Desktop Settings" from a folder called something else,
    and again why are there utilities programs filed under "Desktop Settings".
    This made for very strange navigation, and I only found this useful program by searching all the folders on the system.

    ISSUE 2: I have researched the topic of using Knoppix to make an image of my corrupt Windows boot drive using Knoppix for a couple of days,
    and can find no real "step-by-step" guide on how to do this -- there are various helpful web pages but all refer to different eras of the Knoppix system.
    I read this forum thread here [], but don't really understand it well enough to apply it to my system.
    Also, it is not really a user friendly system, and seems to require learning substantial amounts of Linux code in order to mount and make an image copy of the drive. Ultimately, I decided that I would just try and download Partimage onto the system with the objective of installing it onto my USB storage somehow.
    I found the system for making a bootable USB storage device, also in "preferences" (AKA "Desktop Settings"),
    but it seems like there is no easy system for adding new utilities to the USB storage device from the program "Install Knoppix to USB".
    Knoppox was mounted easily, and boots from the USB, but there is no clearly evident way to add new apps.

    ISSUE3: I thought maybe there was another way and tried to get the "Partimage" running from scratch on the system for a one time only use.
    I Downloaded Partimage and managed to unzip the BZ2 zip file (after learning a little Linux) but could not compile the program because various thing were missing such as, "BZ2.Lib" but managed to surmount this by getting updates through "Synaptic Package Manager",
    came up with more errors and tried again. Finally "Synaptic Package Manager" crashed my system after I tried to update for "SSL Headers".
    Interestingly, "Synaptic Package Manager" says that Partimage is "installed".
    However, since no help files are available I have no idea what this means, since the program is not to be found in the files structure,
    which is why I ask if this program is run through the terminal? It's been interesting, but not very rewarding in the long run,
    even though Gparted did a great job with my partition, and I think its safe to say that the system rescue utilities of this system are limited,
    and possibly really only recomended for users with a solid basis in Linux programing, which I am not, unfortunately.
    First of all, "linux programming" is non-existing. linux is not a programming language so you can't program linux

    ISSUE 1: If I go to "preferences" there is not window opening with desktop settings?
    I agree the menu structure is not that clear. If you want you can install something like "alacarte" and edit the menu items to be more logical.
    secondly, I don' t really get the issue as you state it was succesful

    ISSUE 2: post #2
    your issue 2 is divided in two sub issues, the answer to the second one is:
    "Synaptic package manager"

    ISSUE 3:
    go to the menu=>preferences=>synaptic package manager
    to go search=>partimage=>install it.

    if installed you need to run it from the terminal.
    go to menu=>utilities=>root terminal=> type "partimage"
    and use the program

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011
    Hi dinosoep. Thanks so much for translating the nonsense.

    Seems we have here a Windoze whiz who's totalled his system partition, knows squat about Linux and finds even enabling java script for the sites and a challenge. Yet he seems remarkably well informed on how poor Linux is and although he admits he lacks a solid basis in "Linux programming" is able to assert confidently that:

    the system rescue utilities of this system are limited
    You and I know he doesn't know one end of his alimentary canal from the other but anyone reading this thread that genuinely wants to solve their problem rather than blame life, the universe and everything, might not. So sadly, records needs to be put straight.

    Knoppix is experimental software available on an "as is" basis that many, but not all who try it, find useful. Over the last ten years, thousands of people have found it useful as a rescue disk but it was not, and is not, designed to be a rescue disk, cannot work miracles and does not come with the letters "Don't Panic" on the cover.

    Knoppix is primarily intended for educational purposes. It exemplifies one of the greatest aspects of Open Source Software: it is a free learning opportunity. Anyone who criticises Knoppix, on the grounds there is too much they need to know to use it, is showing their ignorance of a lot more than just Knoppix.

    Linux is an operating system on top of which most people run an X Windows based desktop. Remove the GUI from a Windows® operating system and you have nothing useful left. Remove the GUI from a Linux desktop system and you still have an operating system with thousands of utilities with which a great deal can be done (such as rescuing Windoze file systems). Anyone who thinks this a downside to Linux is not thinking.

    LXDE is a new, lightweight desktop. Its design aim is to require only modest PC resources so that it will run well on old or low specification machines. I suspect it has been chosen for Knoppix because such PCs are often found in schools in poorer districts of the world where learning opportunities are recognised and valued for what they are.

    Its desktop is therefore utilitarian. For a more polished desktop, use the Knoppix MAXI edition and boot with desktop=gnome. On this desktop, gparted, which is a gnome application, may be found under System > Administration.

    The less sophisticated LXDE does not know what to do with gparted when it says it wants its icon to go under System > Administration so it puts it under Preferences along with anything else it does not know what to do with. Yes, it seems daft, but it is actually easier to find things that way.

    I've used gparted myself. It has its own LiveCD so those who don't like Knoppix don't have to use Knoppix It also, I am told, supports copy of ntfs (aka Windoze) file system through the command line utility ntfsclone, part of the ntfsprogs package. You know, the one that can 'undelete' files Windoze can't.

    I haven't used partimage. It's web site claims its support forntfs file systems is still 'experimental'. Harry may throw is arms up in horror at that but there are other who will assert that even experimental Linux software is a lot more stable that Windoze will ever be. I don't know.

    Apparently, partimage also uses a text based interface a bit like you used to get under DOS before there was Windoze. Not to everyone's taste. That might explain why its package installer doesn't add partimage to the main LXDE menu.

    Is partimage installed under Knoppix ? The Wikipedia page for partimage says so but who is going to believe that over actual first hand experience reported in this very thread ? Apparently synaptic says partimage is installed but synaptic has a GUI interface so I guess it can't be trusted.

    Here's my humble attempts:

    $ which partimage
    Guess I'm looking for the program on the wrong disk.

    $ dpkg -l | fgrep partimage
    ii  partimage              0.6.8-1    backup partitions into a compressed image file
    ii  partimage-server   0.6.8-1    server to use partimage across a network
    Perhaps I'm cheating as I have the MAXI edition.

    It is said there is no documentation:

    $ man partimage
    displays plenty but I guess that must be the manual page for some other program or perhaps it doesn't count because I used the command line.

    On the MAXI edition, Main Menu > Internet > Konqueror opens a web browser. Type #partimage in the address bar and you get nice html formatted documentation with hyper-links and all.

    Yep, I guess I'm just imagining there is documentation for partimage under Knoppix.

    The good news is the partimage web-site says partimage is available on the SystemRescueCd so people that don't like Knoppix don't have to use Knoppix

  4. #4
    Moderator Moderator
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    Germany/ Dietzenbach
    ... "partimage" is also available at Knoppix CD (6.4.4), therefore you don't need to use Gentoo "SystemRescueCD".

    You can find a lot of console tools looking at
    '/var/lib/menu-xdg/applications/menu-xdg/'. Most of them have no entry in LXDE-menu.

    To get a quick overview of all installed programs and tools you can use kn-what. Perhaps you will find some tools you never knew your distribution is containing them.

    Greetings Werner *
    Own Rescue-CD with Knoppix (Knoppix V6.4.4 remaster)

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011
    werner, thank you very much for that script

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Yes, that for that werner: it ought to be jolly useful but it seems to be missing from the MAXI edition.

    I have found a shell script named knoppix-setrootpassword that I've never seen mentioned on the many and long forums threads on the subject of passwords.

  7. #7
    Moderator Moderator
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    Germany/ Dietzenbach
    Quote Originally Posted by Forester View Post
    Yes, that for that werner: it ought to be jolly useful but it seems to be missing from the MAXI edition.
    ... it also works with Knoppix DVD; wait one minute or two, it need some time to build the lists at first run of the script.

    I have found a shell script named knoppix-setrootpassword that I've never seen mentioned on the many and long forums threads on the subject of passwords.
    ... it's listed in LXDE menu at 'Preferences'

    Greetings Werner *
    Own Rescue-CD with Knoppix (Knoppix V6.4.4 remaster)

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011
    Yes, very nice. I've downloaded your script and tried.

    There was me getting by with dpkg -l | less all these years.


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