I took this Alfa for a test drive today. It's got a
lot to like in it; and a few nags, as usual.
Very attractive, nicely responsive.

Kernel 2.6.38-5; Firefox 4.0b12; LibreOffice 3.3.1; Compiz

I was unaware of Compiz except it asked twice to be re-started.
Never found cube, magic lamp, wiggly frames or annoying expo.

Firefox elegant but could not find & install a flash plug-in.
Default Synaptic did not have adobe flash plug-in non-free.

Alsamixer defaults Master 46%; Speaker 100%; PCM 100%.
Broadcom 'hidden' source was found but didn't install; had to
bootstrap with an external wifi and re-install via synaptic.

Synaptic and Terminal hard to find at first.
Application finder screens not sized quite right; some choices

Usual Debian bizarro experience setting desktop time.

100% new choices on all fiddle-ware. Nothing is where you'd expect.
Amazing how creative and unstable these choices are.