
Firstly this problem is reproducible by me so far on two different sets of hardware.
I am running knoppix 6.4.3 on my computer.

  • I create a 17 GB virtual box dynamic expanding harddrive in virtual box.
  • Mount knoppix 6.4.3 image with virutal box.

  • from within the guest: I run knoppix hdd installer. and use full drive. at this point in time I get some error about not being able to do this. Then I use gparted and do it manually and it allows me to install. Install goes perfect apart from that.

After knoppix 6.4.3 is installed to virutal box hdd and i reboot.
I get the following symptoms.
there is no folders on desktop. (this has happend each time)
random applications won't run. they just segfault.
first install it was mkdir. second install it was networkmanager.
third install on other hardware it was iceweasle
The apps will segfault untill i replace them manually. That will fix them.

I have done a md5 checksum to check my dvd iso and it matches.
I also used the same dvd iso for my initial host operating system install which works perfectly. so it cannot be that the iso is corrupted.

btw, when i run in live mode in virtual box I find no problems.
I have also tried this on all different hardware with the same setup.

I have tried changing some cheat codes in grub and am willing to try more.
I suspect that knoppix installer does not write properly to the virutal box harddrive.

Cheers for now