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Thread: How do I mount my flash drive to create a live DVD again? Let me explain.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2011

    Lightbulb How do I mount my flash drive to create a live DVD again? Let me explain.

    Ok .. so I purchased Knoppix Hacks to gain further insight to using Knoppix as my linux distrobution of choice. Following the commands to mount, and sync the information, and copying over the linux system file etc... I now have a bootable USB flash drive.

    So .. in my mind I am assigning myself a list of Knoppix to do's. The first being to reverse this exact process, and burn a live DVD using the Knoppix file system I have installed on my USB drive.

    I googled quite a bit, and if you google the same topic you will see my frustration in that all you find is "How do I install knoppix to my USB flash drive". Instead of how to I mount knoppix from my flash drive to an empty DVD-R\RW.

    So I figured now that I am taking the knoppix dive I would sign up here and have you more experienced and exposed folks give me the answer.

    Thank you for reading, and pre-thanks to any help I receive.

    -Cody Oebel

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    The first being to reverse this exact process, and burn a live DVD using the Knoppix file system I have installed on my USB drive.
    You must learn how to remaster Knoppix. In the wiki you can find instructions on how to proceed.

    The thread Re-master your flash installation should give you further information.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2011
    Thank you for you answer and linking me to instructions. I will read and follow them, and post if I have questions. Klaus you have been a great help. So I hope I'm not a pester when I have more questions for you.
    After I accomplish this task. I have set myself the following things to accomplish.

    1. Learn the directory structure (**This is much needed so any links or good info on this would be helpful**)
    2. Learn how to download RPM packages and install them.
    3. ?????? Is there software for knoppix to RIP DVD's ? Copy righted DVD's in specific.
    4. Learn the terminal as well as I know DOS prompt, including variables, bash scripts, and useful permissions.
    5. Last but not least. I know how to compile C++ code, and program gui in windows. I wish to make programs within knoppix to further my operating system knowledge.

    --Yes I know.. one step at a time, but if you already have any goodies on the above so far those are some self tasks I can think of I really want to accomplish with Knoppix--

    Once again, with acme of thanks for all your help,

    -Cody Oebel

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2011
    I have a few questions regarding the below. In bold are my questions.

    Ok we are first making two directories source, and where the master image will be created.
    # mkdir -p /lots_of_free_space/source/KNOPPIX
    # mkdir -p /lots_of_free_space/master/KNOPPIX
    We now change directory to the below /source directory for our entire flash drive file system.
    # cd /lots_of_free_space/source/KNOPPIX
    Now the confusing part. I refferenced the following site. to understand the cp command, but am confused.
    In dos we copy [source] [destination], but below the commands provided state cp -a /dev, or copy and archive the /device directory ??? What about the destination directory ??
    # cp -a /dev .
    Also why is the instructions copying over this /UNIONFS directory and sub directories?
    I googled what the UNIONFS is, and made vague sense that it's a uniform file system type.
    What is normally in UNIONFS ? **Maybe my absolute lack of the knoppix directory system is why I'm lost here so maybe I am jumping ahead, or very tired and asking questions without looking deep enough for myself. Please forgive me** So what is all of these UNIONFS files and folders?
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/bin .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/etc .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/lib .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/sbin .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/usr .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/var .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/opt .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/home .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/root .

    The below in parentheses I dont understand the statement. I'm novice, and thats unclear!
    <LI id=post_120447 class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">
    ( Whatever you want it to appear in the new compressed image, you copy it there )
    cd or change directory, cd.. ??? changing directory to where? In DOS cd.. brings me to the directory before the one I am, or one directory "More" close to the root directory. Again.. where is this cd.. supposed to bring me ? Which directory? It would have been easier if the instruction was an absolute path to avoid confusion.
    # cd ..

    <LI class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">
    I googled mkisofs, and made sense that it's an image creation program (quickly studied it, but when I'm not tired I will coffee up, and read more into this program).However this is where much confusion is coming in. To simplify my confusion first off. Starting from mkisofs is the end of this entire statement the /KNOPPIX ?? At the portion where it is KNOPPIX \ | the `|' is a pipe ? I am assuming like in DOS the > is outputting to the following directory?
    # mkisofs -R -U -V " filesystem" -publisher "KNOPPIX" \
    -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad /lots_of_free_space/source/KNOPPIX \
    | nice -5 /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs - 262144 > /lots_of_free_space/master/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

    Wow one of my next goals is to begin C\C++ programming in Linux. Something I can do in windows, but have failed to do in a linux OS, because obviously the IDE is not so "Holding my hand" easy to use as in Windows. Which I like, and it will be a challenge to begin programming within linux. However it is apparent to me I am far to premature in simply using KNOPPIX much less programming applications in it.

    So again... I'm a little tired after a 7 mile barefooted distance run in training for a marathon, and possibly my cognition and drive are taking a toll. So forgive me, but if any one could clarify the above for me. I would really appreciate the due diligence.

    -Cody Oebel

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody Oebel View Post
    Thank you for you answer and linking me to instructions. I will read and follow them, and post if I have questions. Klaus you have been a great help. So I hope I'm not a pester when I have more questions for you.
    After I accomplish this task. I have set myself the following things to accomplish.

    1. Learn the directory structure (**This is much needed so any links or good info on this would be helpful**)
    2. Learn how to download RPM packages and install them.
    3. ?????? Is there software for knoppix to RIP DVD's ? Copy righted DVD's in specific.
    4. Learn the terminal as well as I know DOS prompt, including variables, bash scripts, and useful permissions.
    5. Last but not least. I know how to compile C++ code, and program gui in windows. I wish to make programs within knoppix to further my operating system knowledge.

    --Yes I know.. one step at a time, but if you already have any goodies on the above so far those are some self tasks I can think of I really want to accomplish with Knoppix--

    Once again, with acme of thanks for all your help,

    -Cody Oebel
    Forgive me I am very tired and dont know why I wrote the above. My mind rambles, but I am fatigue. Forgive the not well thought out questions.

    NOTE: Every time I post I get a page 404, and then some time later the post shows up. I assume my post has to be moderated, but a message would be nice to confirm my post was submitted and is being reviewed by a moderator, and this would prevent me from potentially posting ambiguously. Thank you, Cody Oebel

    I have a few questions regarding the below. In bold are my questions.

    Ok we are first making two directories source, and where the master image will be created.
    # mkdir -p /lots_of_free_space/source/KNOPPIX
    # mkdir -p /lots_of_free_space/master/KNOPPIX

    We now change directory to the below /source directory for our entire flash drive file system.
    # cd /lots_of_free_space/source/KNOPPIX

    Now the confusing part. I refferenced the following site. to understand the cp command, but am confused.
    In dos we copy [source] [destination], but below the commands provided state cp -a /dev, or copy and archive the /device directory ??? What about the destination directory ??
    # cp -a /dev .

    Also why is the instructions copying over this /UNIONFS directory and sub directories?
    I googled what the UNIONFS is, and made vague sense that it's a uniform file system type.
    What is normally in UNIONFS ? **Maybe my absolute lack of the knoppix directory system is why I'm lost here so maybe I am jumping ahead, or very tired and asking questions without looking deep enough for myself isnt smart. Please forgive me** So what is all of these UNIONFS files and folders?
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/bin .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/etc .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/lib .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/sbin .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/usr .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/var .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/opt .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/home .
    # cp -a /UNIONFS/root .

    The below in parentheses I don't understand the statement. I'm novice, and that's unclear!
    <li id="post_120447" class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">
    ( Whatever you want it to appear in the new compressed image, you copy it there )

    <li id="post_120447" class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">
    <li id="post_120447" class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">
    <li id="post_120447" class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">

    cd or change directory, cd.. ??? changing directory to where? In DOS cd.. brings me to the directory before the one I am, or one directory "More" close to the root directory. Again.. where is this cd.. supposed to bring me ? Which directory? It would have been easier if the instruction was an absolute path to avoid confusion.
    # cd ..

    <li class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">

    <li class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">

    <li class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">

    <li class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">
    I googled mkisofs, and made sense that it's an image creation program (quickly studied it, but when I'm not tired I will coffee up, and read more into this program).However this is where much confusion is coming in. To simplify my confusion first off. Starting from mkisofs is the end of this entire statement the /KNOPPIX ?? At the portion where it is KNOPPIX \ | the `|' is a pipe ? I am assuming like in DOS the > is outputting to the following directory?
    # mkisofs -R -U -V " filesystem" -publisher "KNOPPIX" \
    -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad /lots_of_free_space/source/KNOPPIX \
    | nice -5 /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs - 262144 > /lots_of_free_space/master/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX


    Wow one of my next goals is to begin C\C++ programming in Linux. Something I can do in windows, but have failed to do in a linux OS, because obviously the IDE is not so "Holding my hand" easy to use as in Windows. Which I like, and it will be a challenge to begin programming within linux. However it is apparent to me I am far to premature in simply using KNOPPIX much less programming applications in it.

    So again... I'm a little tired after a 7 mile barefooted distance run in training for a marathon, and possibly my cognition and mental drive are taking a toll. So forgive me, but if any one could clarify the above for me. I would really appreciate the due diligence.

    -Cody Oebel

  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
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    Wow one of my next goals is to begin C\C++ programming in Linux.
    The usual C++ compiler on Linux systems is called g++. If the system cannot find it then you have to install the package g++ yourself. This can easily be done with the Sysnaptic package management tool. Do not forget to update the packages list before you try to install an new package.
    Since programming a GUI with Xlib is quite difficult there are some toolkits. Some of them allow you to do cross platform development.
    Maybe the old article GUI Toolkits for The X Window System at can help you a bit further.
    You can learn more about Tcl/Tk at Tcl Developer Xchange
    "wxWidgets is a C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, OS X, Linux and UNIX on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures as well as several mobile platforms including Windows Mobile, iPhone SDK and embedded GTK+."
    Of course, there is also the famous Qt - Cross-platform application and UI framework which allows you to create applications with a GUI for MS Windows, Linux an Mac OS X.
    I am afraid that I cannot give you much further advice because I prefer application development with JAVA.

    Learn how to download RPM packages and install them.
    The usual package file format on Knoppix is deb because Knoppix is based on Debian. If you really need to install an RPM package you can try to convert it with the program alien.

    Is there software for knoppix to RIP DVD's ? Copy righted DVD's in specific.
    I do not know any legal program for Linux which may be used to circumvent copy protection.

    Learn the terminal as well as I know DOS prompt, including variables, bash scripts, and useful permissions.
    You might be interested in the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide at the The Linux Documentation Project, The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ and Debian Wiki. Sometimes there are differences between Knoppix and Debian.

    Learn the directory structure
    You can create yourself an overview of the directory structure by issuing
    sudo du / > /home/knoppix/structure.log
    This can take a long time. The output will be saved in the text file /home/knoppix/structure.log. You can read this file with an editor of your choice.

    In dos we copy [source] [destination], but below the commands provided state cp -a /dev
    If the destination is "." then this means that you want to copy files into the current directory. Usually you can find out where you are with the "pwd" command (print Working directory). If you want to learn more about a linux command you can try the "man" command
    man cp
    which shows you the program's manual page if the documentation was installed on your system. Today many programs are able to give some advice on how to use them by calling them with the "--help" option
    cp --help
    Also why is the instructions copying over this /UNIONFS directory and sub directories?
    UNIONFS is a complex subject. I think that most users do not really need to understand the internals. In my opinion the short version is that Knoppix is a system consisting of an static part (the KNOPPIX file in the KNOPPIX directory) and some space inside the system's memory where you can save changes temporarily. These two parts are united by using the aufs2 and they can be found under mount point /UNIONFS. The normal user does not even recognise that these parts exist because (s)he can always find the files under the usual absolute path names. If (s)he changes or deletes a file residing in the static KNOPPIX archive file then these modifications are "saved" in the system's memory and the user won't see the original file any more. After rebooting Knoppix the modifications are lost, everything is in the original place.

    The situation looks differently if you use a persistent image file which can be created at first boot if you have installed your Knoppix system on a flash medium. Then UNIONFS consists of two parts, too. The static KNOPPIX archive file and the persistent image knoppix-data.img (or knoppix-data.aes if you use encryption) are united by the aufs2 kernel module. Again, the user won't see a difference between a usual Linux operating system installed on an HDD and the Knoppix (s)he is running.

    At the portion where it is KNOPPIX \ | the `|' is a pipe ? I am assuming like in DOS the > is outputting to the following directory?
    You are right the '|' is a pipe which connects the two programs mkisofs and create_compressed_fs. The output of the first program is the input of the second one. The backslash '\' at the end of a line means that the command will be continued on the next line.

    I hope that helps but if you have additional questions or need further clarification don't hesitate to ask.

  7. #7
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    You are KING!!!!!!! I am without comprehension of a thank you for the time of your day you took to write that up for me. From one human to another. THANK YOU !

    WOW... I am starting to really like fellow knoppix people allot.


    A very happy knoppix novice,
    -Cody Oebel

  8. #8
    Senior Member registered user
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    You are getting a platinium level of support from the forum users here.
    I must admit that will not be able to provide such support because I am not a very patient guy.

  9. #9
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    Well.. being stubborn and doing c++ windows programming as a person who thought I could never accomplish making a program to doing some socket programming. I began to realize to myself I am as capable as I set my mind to. Linux\Knoppix is something I avoided for a long time, and I convinced myself although it is a new raelm for me to conquer. I will do this as many others have.

    By Gosh humans communicate to robots 300,000 miles away as we remote distance planets and observe. I see people under the bridge with hands out who's perspective of self worth is as deep as the beer bottle depth. Why cant I not be an Einstein? These days everyone who knows me considers me beyond normal intelligent, but I think to myself I barely know enough to know how little I really know.

    So I try to learn from everyone, and you guys are experienced with Knoppix. Every letter typed to help me learn is a second of time in life and energy spent that you will never get back. That one second is priceless to me, and it gives me goose bumps, and near teers to say "I thank you for it because I cant afford school right now to have someone paid to do so help me".

    Thank you, all of you for your contribution!

    -Cody Oebel

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