... Klaus Knopper has finished his new version of Knoppix
Greetings Werner * http://www.wp-schulz.de/knoppix/summary.html
Own Rescue-CD with Knoppix (Knoppix V6.7.0 remaster)
Greetings Werner & kl522
I've got my new Knoppix 6.7 LiveUSB running.
Kernel is #21; desktop background is new; Chromium replaces IceWeasel.
adriane not on menu, but lots of /user/bin/adriane components.
mis-behaving aumixer applet on my install. Flash not working for my Chromium; is for IceWeasel.
otherwise much like old-faithful 6.4.4. Was hoping for a built-in re-mastering option.
CD version really fills a CD with 730.7 Mb.
Knoppix 6.7 still uses networkmanager, but now goes from start-of-boot to wifi-on-line in 52 seconds.
Best in this regard of any LiveUSB I know of.
My Knoppix 6,7 Chromium still will not do flash even after update synaptic & re-install. I like IceWeasel better anyway & have exchanged these.
My LXterminal & root terminal will not hold preferences unless I add the 'optional' LXDE package with synaptic.
LibreOffice seems to be a full-monty version to keep up with the Joneses.
Apparently all the extra dimensions don't add much space over and above just calc & write.
First rate, snappy LiveUSB, a trifle better than 6.4.4, but that was already superb.
Hidden adriane capability needs some explication.
@ kl522
I don't know of a changelog, but this DstroWatch table lets you compare 6.7 with previous versions:
This table indicates Firefox 5 to be an option with 6.7.
I was unable to verify Firefox 5 as an option with my CD version of 6.7, even opening up all possible repositories.
I had found Firefox 5 to have a few problems in Ubuntu Unity, so I'm not that anxious about this.
For example, it would not retain preference changes in font maxes & mins and disabling of url underlines.
Well, here's an update on Firefox 5 for Knoppix 6.7:
After you've used 6.7 for a little while with IceWeasel as your
browser, Firefox 5 will invite you to download & install Firefox 5.0.1
from a tar.bz2 file. I did so. My downloaded Firefox 5.0.1 does
not have the Ubuntu Unity problem of holding the preferences.
Has its own flash, already. Only initial problem I see is figuring how
to integrate this on the LXDE desktop. At first, it is started via a
command line.
I moved my download to /usr/local and unzipped it with tar -xjf there.
To start it, make sure IceWeasel's not running and enter the command
So, I guess the DistroWatch table is correct as it stands.
I'll run with both browsers for a while to see if FF5 is worth changing
from IceWeasel.
Last edited by utu; 08-04-2011 at 11:58 PM.
Firefox suggests you download libstdc++5 to install an icon on
the desktop to start FF5. That costs 1 Mb, and doesn't work for me.
Luckily just add a 'new blank file' to the LXDE desktop, for example
a file called ff.sh, executable, contents you guessed:
/etc/local/firefox/firefox. Acts like a click-on icon.
Pretty plain, but it works, costs only a few bytes.
FF5 is pretty snappy; I think I might switch.
Better than none but they are not the kind of information which interest me in.
I am amused.This table indicates Firefox 5 to be an option with 6.7.
I was unable to verify Firefox 5 as an option with my CD version of 6.7, even opening up all possible repositories.The way things are classified, we may as well also list Opera and M$ Window Explorer as options too ! True enough, if you willing dig up everything and put in new things ....
From the documentation I have seen so far, this is mostly a kernel upgrade/bugfix/driver update release. Plus quite a bit of reworked Adriane stuff. I'm most curious about any changes to the innards, can't wait to take a diff of the minirt init(But I don't think so much has changed there recently.
As for Firefox 5.0.1, at least in 64 bits it looks promising.
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