I've read the wiki and FAQ and I'm still unable to get a successful USB boot.

Booting KNOPPIX 6.7.0 CD English version without any difficulties. Verified the md5 sum and verified the CD.

Trying to install to Kingston Data Traveler 2.0 (4 GB) USB stick. Stick has been used successfully to boot CrunchBang and ArchBang. System is a Dell 530 w/Dell BIOS V1.0.18 dated 2/24/2009.

When I formatted the stick (gparted) with a MS-DOS type MBR and a 1 GB FAT32 partition, the "Menu->Preferences->Install KNOPPIX to flash disk" option allowed me to skip formatting and installed to the /dev/sdc1 partition. Files looked good when I mounted it. Rebooted and BIOS gave "boot error" message but it *did* recognize the USB stick as bootable.

OK, I let the KNOPPIX installer partition format the whole stick and install. Again, it looked good in the file manager. This time, the BIOS did not recognize the stick as a bootable device at all. No message because I couldn't select it to boot.

One thing that *might* be significant -- the BIOS had "ZIP" in the string when it recognized the stick. IIRC, there are two type of bootable sticks: ZIP and some other type. Don't know if this is significant with KNOPPIX installer. (Remember this vaguely from my Damn Small Linux days.)

Help! Should I use UnetBootIn or is there some other way to resolve this?