I am trying to get an XP machine running, but it freezes on the first (mainly black) XP splash screen. This happens if I boot as last config that worked, Safe Mode freezes during the long list of names, (both selected using F. I tried a UBCD 4win disk, it also freezes on the XP splash screen, the UBCD 4win does appear to start to work, in that you get the program splash screen, but freezes on the XP splash screen.
I have used an AVG Rescue disk to do an anti virus scan, and nothing untoward was found,

I tried using a copy of an XP disk to do a repair, but it asks for a floppy disk to do an automated repair. I do not have the floppy for this, and the laptop does not have a floppy disk drive.

Also, I do not know if this is relevant,but when I boot into safe mode, it stops at the agpCRQ.sys file.

I successfully booted the Knoppix disk, but I am unfamiliar with the Linux based operating system, so I am not sure what repair utilities are available.
I am an absolute beginner with this operating system, so please assume I have no previous knowledge.
Any help greatly appreciated