Hi Utu,

Let's eliminate case no 1., where by "flawed" I assume you
imply a _physical_ problem of some sort (manufacture, shipping, etc.)

I start with the machine down, the wireless router up and running OK.

A. I insert the 6.2.1. disk.

B. I boot the machine all the way.
I connect wireless without any problems.

C. I shut down the machine.

D. I remove the 6.2.1 disc from the machine.

E. I insert the 6.7.1 disk.

F. I boot the machine all the way.
I can NOT connect wireless no matter what I do.

G. I shut down the machine.

H. I remove the 6.7.1 disc from the machine

I. I go back to step A.

I repeat the above loop 20 times.

I stop to write my OP where I describe the possible _technical_ differences
between the two discs the best I can. In the process I'm hoping to convey the notion
that I have some idea about the Linux system workings, and technical acumen in general.

I then, repeat the loop (starting at A) until I'm blue in the face.

Then I pause and try to pass along the idea that 6.7.1. is not bad physically
but bad technically, which would make it possibility no 5 on your list.
Please note that in running the 6.7.1. for some other functions,
I haven't discovered any "flaw" that might make the disc suspect physically.
Other than the simple (but critical for me) wireless failure the disc appears

Your case no 2, is not applicable (as described in the "A" loop above).
I do not understand your case no 3 (name?), not that it matters much by now.

As for your case no 4, there's nothing "special" here and if there's any
"discovery", it's just that for an identical configuration the 6.7.1 disc
does not work at all (instead of just working like the 6.2.1 one,
without any "special" considerations). For 6.2.1., the configuration
I've been using is (and appears to be detected by 6.2.1. as) just
run-of-the-mill, nothing special about it.

Thank you for your interest and comments.

BTW, I don't know how/where to file a bug report.
Maybe you can help. Basically the 6.7.1. is worthless for me.
The point is for somebody to identify the technical problem and fix it.