
That's in contrast to Knoppix 6.2.1 where Wireless works OK.

I just got delivery of Knoppix 6.7.1 DVD.
Hardware used:
Dell Alienware M17x laptop with
Wireless 1529 802.11n Half MiniCard

Knoppix 6.2.1 (kernel, udev-150) detects the wireless module,
loads the "wl" driver as device "eth1":
iwconfig -> eth1

Knoppix 6.7.1 (kernel 3.0.4, udev-172) loads the "wl" driver on boot but
iwconfig -> nothing (i.e., no wireless device detected)

In graphics mode (LXDE, for example) the applet "Wired network connection"
(bottom right icon), does not offer any wireless Access Points lists.
In the only other choice to "Wired Network", "VPN connections / Configure VPN",
it's impossible to add your wireless capability with this applet.
Whether in the "Wireless" tab or "VPN", even if you fill in the "questionnaires"
with your data, the "Save" button never gets activated.
Bottom line, you can NOT connect to your Access Point or any other.

By contrast, on the old Knoppix 6.2.1, the wireless AP's in the neighborhood
(including mine) are listed immediately, and then establishing the connection
presents no problems.
But then, here, on (auto) loading the "wl" driver, an "eth1" wireless device
is created, so you have a fighting chance to connect later on.

In troubleshooting, I've tried to understand the mechanism used by Knoppix to
detect and create wireless devices.
Normally, one uses Udev rules (in /lib/udev/ or /etc/udev/, etc.) but you
couldn't find anything similar in Knoppix (for eth1 or wlan).
For example, a test wireless device, Linksys USB 802.11b, _is_ detected by
both Knoppix's as Atmel driver module "at76c50x_usb" and a corresponding
device "wlan0" does appear from somewhere (IMHO, the name "wlan0" is more
appropriate than "eth1", anyway).
