Hi Guy's,
Today my 64 bit computer I built has crashed big time and ubuntu 64 keeps saying the HD is corrupted and can't access it. I do have a 32 bit Knoppix disk here which is gold and has saved the day many times but it won't load on the 64 bit computer.

Now for the big question with the NFTS filesystem corrupt will Knoppix 64 see the HD so I can save several DVD's of data before I Dban the HD and install linux on as winblows 7 has had it's last day in this house.

I did find with my 32 bit 5.1.1 version it is a great live CD to use to save data etc but thats all it is good for. Now with the 64 bit version is there an option to use it as an OS as I do feel it beats Ubuntu hands down for performance and I have told my missus winblows 7 is gone for ever and you better get used to Linux.

Kind Regards Bryan

and Happy New Year Guy's