I have a copy of the Knoppix 5.7.1 DVD, installed it to a bootable USB and upgraded the openshot using the directions here: http://knoppix.net/forum/threads/296...light=openshot Openshot works so well with knoppix that one of my clients now wants to use it. I was going to send him a bootable USB, but unfortunately, his PC will boot from a CD or DVD, but not from a USB. So without going through the process of allowing the HD to boot from a DVD or CD described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1890080 I'm wondering if there is an easier option. Essentially, my knoppix 6.7.1 DVD, but with the latest openshot 1.4.2 that I'm running now, would be fine. Other than wait for knoppix to have a DVD upgrade that has the 1.4.2 openshot, is there an easy way to create a bootable DVD? Seems like approaches require a separate partition, which I have not wanted to do and I boot from a 16 GB USB. Thanks.