@ Blacksimon

Actually, I don't recommend trying to repair a Knoppix 7 that has been using Alacarte,
because I'm not sure what all to remove and what to keep. In my case, I was using 701
experimenting with Alacarte. I decided to upgrade to 702 and start over with a clean

I was initially unaware of /home/knoppix/.local/share/applications/*.desktop files.
I prepared several copies of htop.desktop within /usr/share/applications itself
and was unaware until later that editing with the gui was creating surrogate
desktop files in ~/.local/share.

I never had to reboot to get some menu action. Perhaps a control-alt-backspace, but
I can't remember. Surely no arcane incantation.

In my situation, one of my edits was to remove 'System;' from the categories list, else
the app would show up in BOTH System and Gems menus.

I really like the ability to use the command line to tailor lxterminal panel titles,
add sudo, change the geometry and do all sorts of cute things.

Are you adding any 'hidden gems' we'd all like to know about?