Excerpts from some recent e-mail

.................I presented the following 'news' to Klaus K:

> In regard to the new 703-CD version, I presume you are not surprised to
> know that, in the process of using Knoppix>Install-Components to add flash
> to the browser, in a LiveUSB situation at least, the browser branding
> changes from IceWeasel to IceApe.

.................Klaus K's response was as follows:

I am convinced this is just the wrong thing to happen!

Installing flashplugin-nonfree should NOT remove iceweasel in favour of
iceape. Iceweasel is the current firefox browser, and iceape is
something most people will most likely NOT want to use instead, it's the
reviced but old "all in one" mozilla suite.

I tracked it down to the "-t testing" in the "install additional
software" script. When using "-t unstable" instead, iceweasel does not
get removed.

This has a maybe lucky implication: As soon as the current "unstable"
branch of flashplugin-nonfree hits the "testing" branch, the problem
will (maybe) disappear. For now, I have to warn people to use the manual
method for installing flashplugin-nonfree, if they don't want to lose

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -t unstable flashplugin-nonfree

Also, for aptitude -t testing instead of apt-get -t testing, does it
right and leaved iceweasel untouched, by disregarding -t testing for
flashplugin-nonfree and installing the unstable package instead.