Hi everybody,

I'm new in using Knoppix Live but I found it great, especially for rescue mission to recover file on windows stuck systems.

Now I'm trying to save out files from an hdd with Win7 32-bit using knoppix 6.7 live from cd

but, when I try to open sda2 on knoppix link...it appears the message:

"Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1:helper failed with:
Hibernared non-system partition, refused to mount. etc...etc..."

so i open the LXTerminal and write the recommended line:
"mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sda2 /media/sda2"
and it says "only root can do that"

the PC i'm working on is stucked, his windows version doesn't work anyway, in Safe Mode or other ways is stucked on windows logo.

I've only to save some photos from hdd and then I'll format and reinstall windows 7...

I think that last time pc was working it has automatically hibernated himself, maybe when I've close the screen.

I don't know how to come out from this situation; how can I delete the hibernation status without starting windows? maybe it's working on only command line windows way.

thanks everybody,
