
In spite of my mewbee status my earlier recolections of having once experimented an old knoppix distro which produced me a substantial surprised pleasure to deal with and this led me recently to try and succeed to install 7.04 with NO apparent problems to my happy fortune. But it did not last long. Soon i realized that through out some missed step -- i do not recall when or why -- my installation while abiding to time zone and locale (i think), did not comply keyboardwise with my hardware.
I must declare i'm a double nationality individual: born in Portugal - portuguese father, american mother. My option, when dealing with computer matters is using English and so i selected en language for the said installation and i swear i remember to have assigned pt-latin 1 (i think) when referring my laptop keyboard...But now i'm stuck with
a US keyboard, which is an unconfortable deficit for everyday Knoppix use.
I' using a ZORIN 5.2 also installed distro in order to write thishere SOS: i would much appreciate if any kind soul would dedicate some minutes to teach me (a total Linux 'ignoramus') a not so difficult way to change keyboard definition within installed Knoppix 7.04.
I'm sorry to highlight again: it wil have to assume a very step-by-step, clear format or
else i will not be able to execute it.
I hope i' m not condemned to re-install knoppix on account of this issue.
Thanks for your possible attention and assistance.
Kind regards.