
I am using cloop to compress my file system. It has a lot of jar files, binary executables, document files and also shared libraries. I seem to get wierd errors as below. I even tried with various block sizes and I got different error for block size of 128K but, the rest I got the same error

### For block size 64K ###

$ mkisofs -R -U -V "Myfs" -P "ashivaru" \
-hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad -relaxed-filenames \
/home/ashivaru | nice -5 \
/usr/bin/create_compressed_fs - 65536 > \

$ isovfy myfs.iso
Root at extent ffffffffa50c19ea, -1509159175 bytes
[0 0]
********Directory has unusual size
ffffffffa50c19ea: 13 bf0d09d5 -1089645729 Flags=(c0) Interleave=(149) File unit size=(6) Volume sequence number=(13) RRlen=-33
ffffffffa50c19ea: 191 c3bf0d39 113249689 *File name length=(192)Flags=(47) Interleave=(13) File unit size=(76) Volume sequence number=(192) RRlen=-35
********Directory has unusual size
ffffffffc3bf0dc7: 14 430e8957 1141793494 Flags=(44) Interleave=(244) File unit size=(242) Volume sequence number=(14) RRlen=-34
ffffffffc3bf0dc7: 14 7179440e -185449458 File name length=(54)Flags=(3d) Interleave=(69) File unit size=(14) Volume sequence number=(24 RRlen=-74
ffffffffc3bf0dc7: 14 450e6006 1158561210 *Flags=(46) Interleave=(61) File unit size=(173) Volume sequence number=(14) RRlen=-34

### For block size 128K ###
$ mkisofs -R -U -V "Myfs" -P "ashivaru" \
-hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad -relaxed-filenames \
/home/ashivaru | nice -5 \
/usr/bin/create_compressed_fs - 131052 > \

$ isovfy myfs.iso
Root at extent 2a1d8426, 773655290 bytes
[0 0]
********Directory has unusual size
No errors found

$ mount -t iso9660 -o loop myfs.iso test1
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop1,
or too many mounted file systems


I am using Redhat 9.1.

Could you please let me know if you have seen such an error before and if I am going wrong somewhere. I really appreciate your help.
