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Hidden Gems in your CD-size Knoppix 7.0.5 LiveUSB
Put some hidden gems as new choices on your Knoppix 7.0.5 LiveCD MainMenu.
These steps add three new menu choices at MainMenu>Universal Access:
Look at MainMenu>Universal Access
Note four current choices: daisy-player, eBook speaker, orca and xvkbd.
Go to /usr/share/applications;
note absent are desktop files for aptitude, mc and xkill.
Create three files, all are chown root:root and chmod 644, as follows.
Create a file, aptitude.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Create a file, mc.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Create a file, xkill.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Save these three files in /usr/share/applications.
As root, command update-menus.
Look again at MainMenu>Universal Access.
You should now see three new menu entries.
Each of these may be edited with a gui called-up with a right-click on properties.
These edited menu files are saved at /home/knoppix/.local/share/applications
...still chmod 644, but now chown knoppix:knoppix.
Revise the Name, Icon & Tooltip on each as you please with the gui.
Is there a gem for keeping time sync with internet servers? 'tzselect' doesn't work with bitcoins-QT package. The bitcoins-QT program stops immediately before beginning to download the 4GB transaction BlockChain file. Message is: 'Make sure your time and date arae correct.'
Not a gem but a console tool - ntpdate. Open a root-terminal and install it with
aptitude install ntpdate
For clock sync use
/usr/sbin/ntpdate -v pool.ntp.org
I always recommend to use UTC within BIOS and use proper settings of "tz=...." in the "APPEND" lines of '/mnt-system/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg' or in case of HD installation in the "kernel" lines of '/boot/grub/menu.lst'.
Have a look at '/usr/share/zoneinfo' which value may usefull for you; for example "tz=America/New_York".
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