I have been trying today to install a program Handbrake which I have used before and Liked in Windows. The problem is that I have tried three times to install it, and each time I have used The HandBrakeCLI installation. It installs, I guess, but, once I finish installing it won't do anything. I run the command Line and the window disappears after I put the program title into it, and nothing happens. no user interface no nothing.

I started to try installing the HandBrakeGTK version w/GUI interface, and I get this huge list of programs to uninstall from my version of Knoppix, and a smaller one of programs to install in addition. I wouldn't hesitate with the installation if it was just a question of additional installations of processes, but, to uninstall so many of the programs that are native to the Knoppix program? I don't know from my lack of experience if I need any of the uninstall programs but, I sure don't want to find out after I have made the mistake of getting rid of them.

Can anyone tell me why I am getting nothing from the CLI version?