Klaus K has hinted that he will bring out Knoppix 7.1 at CeBIT in March.
That might mean we will see a 'community' version of 7.1 in April.
So I've begun to think about how I will upgrade my Live USB from 7.0.5 to 7.1.
In the past, I've made notes to guide a manual process or bringing things
back to some home-grown standard set-up. I'm hoping to automate that more
this time around. From my notes, I see that the difference between my own
arrangement and the standard offering consists of three parts.
1. Lots of stuff in /home/knoppix;
2. A few tweaks in /etc & syslinux.cfg; and
3. A few programs added through Synaptic.
Werner helped me devise a small program to grab items 1 and 2 occasionaly
as a small tgz backup on /mnt-system.
For item 3, I notice the following:
If I boot into my unmodified 7.0.5 LiveCD and let dpkg --get-selections > dpkg.705CD,
then boot into my modified 7.0.5 LiveUSB and let dpkg --get-selections > dpkg.705USB,
I can then make a comparison, looking for differences:
Which reminds me what I've added to the standard distribution, and presents only oneCode:knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ comm -3 dpkg.705CD dpkg.705USB --nocheck-order > uncommon (-which looks like-) cabextract install flashplugin-nonfree install geany install geany-common install gnome-system-log install ttf-mscorefonts-installer install knoppix@Microknoppix:~$
small surprise with cabextract, which is probably part of the process of making
a LiveUSB from a LiveCD.
In which case, I'm not so sure any more automation is called-for,
but I'm open to suggestions.
Perhaps something along the line of dpkg --set-selections < uncommon.
Last edited by utu; 02-17-2013 at 05:17 PM.
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