Hi _ by some incredibly stupid use of the patch command, I have succeeded in reducing this file (Knoppix-kernel.patch) to zero bytes. Wanna see? OK Enter this with the caps lockON
patch -p1 /dest file </usr/src/knoppix-kernel.patch
The console will just sit there saying nothing but silently musing, "What's this dumb shithead trying to do here?"
having 'patched' the Knoppix-kernel.patch with what was in the destination file, because with caps lock On you will type > instead of < :)
When you have seen the error of your ways and retype the command in lower case, you will effectively replace the destination file with itself, and apparently reduce the original patch to zero bytes. Fun eh? :)
Now _ I have a HD installed 3.1 Knoppix with a 2.4.20-xfs kernel. I want to use a 3rd party tekram dc395U scsi patch and get my USB Dial-Up modem working, but I guess it was tempting fate expecting the kernel sources to be on the 'Trial-CD' > So, I downloaded 2.4.20 and was about to apply the Knoppix-kernel.patch after having dealt with the Tekram stuff when I blew the patch away.
Now to my question ( at last )
Do I (really) need to patch the new kernel with the K-k.patch for it to work correctly? [ xfs file system conflicts? ][ Other weirdness? ] if NOT fine i'll continue with make-kpkg then dkpkg -i (the .deb ) and reconfigure Loadlin.
Please do not talk to me about Lilo or Grub.
If YES, then where can I find a copy to download if such a place exists, OR
do i have to go back to the CD and redo my knx-hdinstall AGAIN?

May the sources be with you
