It's hard to see what's going wrong within your different grub without direct access to your computer.

  • Start your new installation
  • Open (as root) the file '/boot/grub/menu.lst
  • Append in the "title" line: (started from new install)
  • Open the file '/etc/fstab' and look for the other Knoppix installation; in my example:

# Added by Knoppix
/dev/sdb2 /media/sdb2
  • Open (as root) the file '/media/sdbX/boot/grub/menu.lst'
  • Append in the "title" line: (presumable old install)
  • Notice all the root points (hd...) to paper
  • Start your presumable old installation
  • Can you see within the "title" line the entry: (presumable old install)?