Thanks.. I'll provide relevant screenshots.

I start samba.

I set up a password for user knoppix. $ sudo smbpasswd -a knoppix

That works fine

I do Menu...Knoppix...Scan/Mount network shares

MicroKnoppix comes up, because I started the samba server.

Screenshot from 2014-05-23 15:11:07_.png

I double click it, and it prompts me for a user/pass
Screenshot from 2014-05-23 15:17:25.png

then if I enter the wrong user/pass or just cancel, I get this screen

Screenshot from 2014-05-23 15:18:20.png

and I can't close the window. I try OK I try cancel I try the x, nothing closes it.

Screenshot from 2014-05-23 15:19:50.png

I know that if I had a share it'd be ok it'd list it i'd select the share and click ok and it'd move onwards with that. But when I have no share it has this bug such that the window cannot be closed(at least not by standard simple methods).

How can I close the window?