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Thread: Wanted: Bash program idea, or application suggestion

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  1. #1
    Senior Member registered user
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    May 2006
    Columbia, Maryland USA

    Wanted: Bash program idea, or application suggestion

    I would like to create a small bash program that would
    monitor my keystroke activity and if no keystrokes are noted
    within a fixed small time, then any currently active
    internet connection would be disconnected.

    I currently use a Knoppix LiveUSB and wifi via a broadband router
    with network connections handled by NetworkManager.

    If there's 'an app for this' already, then that might also serve.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hi utu, I do not have a bash script for you, but I have got some suggestions. First of all, you can disable and enable the network from the commandline by using the commands
    nmcli networking off
    nmcli networking on
    I think the task is similar to a screensaver because in both cases user inactivity starts a process. I read about a user who wanted to download torrents while the screensaver is active. His or her solution was to ask dbus whether the screensaver was active. He or she used the Gnomedesktop environment. Later I read the solution has to be modified if KDE is used instead of Gnome. Since xscreensaver does not seem to use dbus I think you should try to find out if power management provides an interface to run one shell script on times of user inactivity and another if the user is active again. The absence of keyboard events should start a bash script, but what about mouse events? How long is a 'small time'? Do you intend to reconnect to the network if there is any keystroke activity again?

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
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    May 2006
    Columbia, Maryland USA
    Thanks for your responses, klaus2008.

    nmcli is probably part of the solution; I'll study up on that.

    I should have indicated keyboard and/or mouse events as an indication or
    lack of user presence or attention to internet events.

    I think 'a small time' might be some random number between 15 and 30 minutes
    as a starting point.

    If I know I'm not going to use Knoppix for a while, I manually disconnect.
    If I'm interrupted, I might forget to do this; I'd like Linux to disconnect
    automatically, if need be. Solution need not consider re-connect, since that's
    easy enough to do manually with the NM panel applet.

    You can't underestimate my programming prowess. At most I may be able to
    figure out a line of bash script. I wouldn't have a prayer with C/C+/or C++
    source, even if I had it to look at.

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    May 2006
    Columbia, Maryland USA
    Two other building blocks seem to be

    xscreensaver-command -watch
    and the following perl program, which tracks the output of the -watch command
    and reacts accordingly:

        my $blanked = 0;
        open (IN, "xscreensaver-command -watch |");
        while (<IN>) { 
           if (m/^(BLANK|LOCK)/) { 
               if (!$blanked) { 
    #              **** action to take when screensaver starts ****
                   $blanked = 1;
           } elsif (m/^UNBLANK/) {
    #              **** action (if any) to take when screensaver is reset ****
                   $blanked = 0;
    I don't think perl should be necessary, and there is probably a simpler
    bash equivalent that would suffice.

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