Quote Originally Posted by utu View Post
I have 3.5 Gb ram to work-with.
Is this enough to successfully treat DVD-size isos using this process?
I appreciate the posting of this helpful idea, however...

Many forum users won't be able to use this idea because their cpu(s) aren't capable
of doing the necessary virtualization. The Intel site below may help some figure this out.

The process I went through was as follows:
1. egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo gives a null result; not encouraging.
2. virtualization (may?) require 64-bit cpu(s) & OS; we have that, anyway.
3. my bios material gives NO clue whether my cpu(s) are capable of virtualization or not; also not encouraging.
4. Intel spec sheets let you know whether your cpu(s) are capable of vt-x virtualization; mine aren't. See, for example:

One needs to substitute their own cpu designation, of course.
My rig is dual T4300s.