Oof! Thank God! Ran
in superuser mode, and was saved. gparted didn't work!Code:fsck -a /dev/sda6
I ruined a filesystem where my Debian 6.0.3 resided in an ext3 filesystem and I boot using multiboot option on grub.cfg. While automatically running fsck Debian gave me an whether to run fsck on a mounted partition. I accidentally pressed "enter" and now can't access the filesystem.
How to recover the filesystem? Knoppix has gparted but gpart was not installed. So I installed and ran gpart but it doesn't help.
How can I recover the data there?
The snapshot will illustrate.
Oof! Thank God! Ran
in superuser mode, and was saved. gparted didn't work!Code:fsck -a /dev/sda6
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