Greetings again, patrick013.

In further review of this thread, I found a site which offers a program called
Runtime-Live-CD. The site also provides a checksum to verify the free download.
This site is at: https://www.runtime.org/data-recovery-live-cd.htm

In reviewing the material on this site it becomes apparent that a few-years-old
CD version of Knoppix has been used to provide an iso from which to make an
adapted Knoppix LiveCD of Version 6.7 or 7.0 which in turn would provide a desktop
from which to call-up additional runtime programs. These additional programs are
not free.

It is probably possible, but would be unnecessarily difficult to resurrect a working
frugal install from the outdated KNOPPIX image to be found within the Runtime iso.
At best, you will achieve getting a likely crippled and certainly outdated version of
Knoppix to work in this manner.

My suggestion is to abandon the Runtime-Live-CD approach and start over with
actual Knoppix iso material. This will also make the wiki suggestions more correct
for the material you are working with. As a further suggestion, perhaps use a
Knoppix 7.2 LiveCD series iso and make a LiveCD first before attempting to make a
frugal install. There is no 7.4 series LiveCD iso, unfortunately. Perhaps also,
re-consider even making a LiveUSB rather than a frugal install, since this will
be so much easier to do.

Checksums are still important, as indicated in my prior post,
and in addition use the built-in Knoppix checkcd as a further check that
the basic KNOPPIX compressed image is ok.