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Thread: knoppix thin client options

  1. #1

    knoppix thin client options

    What would be cool is to have several thin client options (at boot maybe) for knoppix:

    for instance at boot
    knoppix thin

    could boot to a choice menu

    connect to:
    VNC Server
    Microsoft Terminal Server (using rdesktop)
    Citrix Server
    Linux Terminal Server (XDMCP)
    Knoppix (local session)

    If one could use a floppy to save and access the setup info for each of the choices one now has a simple portable thin client connector. It could even be taken home by employees and have remote computing done over modem (citrix), or dsl/cable (VNC, rdesktop).

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Sounds interesting. I've used knoppix to XDM to my SGI Indy and it has very good performance. I boot "knoppix 2" and then X -query

    I guess you could modify the linuxrc file inside the miniroot.gz on the floppy and add a case statement that if you type in something like knoppix thin hostname that it will xdm to the host name or knoppix rdp hostname or knoppix vnc hostname.

  3. #3
    Member registered user
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    Jan 2003

    rdesktop patches and XDMCP failures

    Quote Originally Posted by stonent
    Sounds interesting. I've used knoppix to XDM to my SGI Indy and it has very good performance. I boot "knoppix 2" and then X -query
    THe above no longer works with 1-20-03.

    However, rdesktop is now available on knoppix, but it is an older unpatched version of the 1.1.0 release, which is actually unstable. There are patches to this release that make a world of difference.

    Below is the patch changes text from the server that hosts the patches:
    * add: Ctrl Alt Pause toggles between fullscreen and window.
    Jay Sorg <>
    * fix: changed back to using XGrabKeyboard.
    Jay Sorg <>
    * fix: configure bug with --with-gui-includes switch
    Peter Byström <>
    * fix: some fixes to make rdesktop compile under cygwin, just one little step from making mswin.c run under the patches.
    Peter Byström <>
    * fix: the focus problem fix in 19-7-6 introduced another focus problem, should be fixed now.
    Jay Sorg <>
    * fix: license_send_request, static stream length was 120 + dynamic data, should be 128 + dynamic data.
    Jeff Kelly <>

    * removed: gmp, not used anymore, since the merge of secure.c with the 1.1.0 release.
    Peter Byström <>
    * fix: ui_draw_text bugs in the svga gui.
    Francisco <>
    * add: data compression, enabled per default, disable with -Z.
    Norma Jawborski <>
    * cleanup/fix: svga.c ui_line.
    Francisco <>
    * add: begun work of 16bit bitmaps. bitmap.c and secure.c, for now set rdp_bitmap_bits = 16 in rdesktop.c. ( code not finished, AND untested, when tested and working I'll add a switch. )
    jichen <>

    * add: colourmap cache.
    Paul Bludov <>
    * add: a native win32 port of rdesktop instead of using the ntxlib, use the --with-gui=win32 switch, currently not compiling since it's not adapted to the patches... yet. ntxlib has been removed from the sources in favour of this code.
    Paul Bludov <>
    * fix: I've found, that server sometimes send order "put bitmap X with colourmap X to somewhere", and later "put bitmap X with colourmap Y to somewhere". But rdesktop ignores os->colour_table parameter. Also, rdesktop calls ui_put_colourmap() in process_colcache(). It's absolutelly wrong. It should be called only from process_palette(). process_colcache() should put the colourmap into the cache and nothing else. Later, process_memblt() or process_triblt() command should get it from the cache and pass it to ui_memblt() or ui_triblt().
    Paul Bludov <>
    * add: --with-gui-libs=/--with-gui-includes=. possible issues: these _ADD_ paths, they do not replace currently existing paths to the gui...
    Peter Byström <>
    * fix: hacked up svga.c to make it run, still some issues with draw_text, not checked why. limits of this gui: svgalib is bound to linux, am also using a thread through the clone command, with some asm, makes this module bound to intel comp hardware, for now. can't use posix threads or linux threads (true?), since they are using signals that the svgalib already uses... :\
    Peter Byström <>

    U-PATCH19-8-2: ( this patch could have contained more fixes, but I need to go now.. Merry Christmas
    * fix: some issues with the configure script.
    Valery Sherman <>
    * fix: builtin getopt_long was never used.
    Valery Sherman <>
    * fix: crypto warnings about error() and some more when not using openssl.
    Valery Sherman <>
    * fix: some compile warnings
    Dominik Mierzejewski <>

    U-PATCH19-8-1: ( this version is diffed against 1.1 instead. )
    * added: some more switches to the configure script, --with-ssl-libs= --with-ssl-includes= --with-gui=xwin|win32|svga etc.
    * added: svgalib gui. ( peter: it is not fully compatible with the patches, so currently it is unusable, but I hope someone will fix it .. *wink* )
    Donald Gordon <>
    * added: win32 through the ntxlib. still some things to be done. the xnt.h file needs to be fixed a bit, and so does the xlib.c file... ( peter: nice X-mas project for someone. )
    * added: --built-in-licence identifies itself as a w2k client.
    Ahmon Dancy <>

    o versions above 19-8-1 are against rdesktop 1.1.0.

    U-PATCH19-8-0: ( started the merging with rdesktop 1.1. 19-7-6 is probably more "stable" since I may introduce some bugs in the work. )
    * changed: picked up the configure script and related for rdesktop 1.1, modified them for support for the unified patches. Added simple autodetection of openssl and gmp.
    * added: crypto/ subdir to match 1.1
    * added: tests/ subdir for some simple test scripts etc, such as the bigendian/littleendian test.
    * fix: some potential bugs in iso.c matthew apparently has fixed in 1.1. False was returned instead of NULL, both are usually 0. Didn't affect the codepath, but it is still an error.
    * fix: sec_rsa_encrypt() have been changed to reflect 1.1
    * added: capslock/numlock synchronization, fixes an annoying problem when the keys get switched.
    Paul Bludov <>
    * fix: orders.c in process_polyline, sometimes need copy, sometime needs xor
    Jay Sorg <>
    * fix: an annoying focus problem bug when the mouse moves over an rdesktop window in the background, now we only process drawing events when window is not focused.
    Jay Sorg <>
    * fix: a minor problem with the focus exposed by above focus fix, we must grab the focus when we open the window, may behave differently in some cases, inform me if the new behaviour annoys you. The problem appears as most troublesome when running without any window manager, and in fullscreen..
    Peter Byström <>

    * fix: 8bit color mode without private colormap, didn't check XAllocColor return value, does now.
    Ingmar Thiemann <>
    * fix: when started by window manager rdesktop could hang on exit while eating cpu.
    Per Kristian Hove <> && Matt Chapman <>
    * fix: using -N switch witout the -k switch caused a core dump, it has been fixed.
    Valery Sherman <>
    * fix: removed /usr/include/sys from CFLAGS for Irix and Irix64, it is no longer needed and is causing troubles..
    Valery Sherman <>
    * fix: "true" mouse wheel support, instead of sending scroll up/down events... ( Button4/5 support )
    Bernd Oelker <>
    * fix: clear window upon startup, so that cached data is not viewed on screen.
    Lennert Buytenhek <>

    * fix: blinking border problems in excel, must resent origin.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * fix: ctrl wasn't sent at times when using vncviewers. a part of the codepath has been disabled, seems it isn't needed anymore. (?)
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * fix: in ui_patblt didn't use the x/y origins that rdp provide us with... we do now.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * fix: the creation of a local file called endian.h wasn't that wise, since some systems got it already. It became some kind of conflict... Anyway, the file, when created will be called localendian.h instead.
    problem reported by: Alexander Antsiferov <>
    * changed: the keyboard layout code, also added long codes. Naming conventions have changed, i.e. "sv" stands for swedish, and not "se". "se" is the code of the country. The author of the patch and I had some disagrements on the naming convention in use, but I believe it is better to follow the iso coding even if it feels funny at first. the LANG= encodings under linux appear to ( and probably other unices ) use a similar encoding, as far as I have noticed anyway. If anyone wishes to know where the iso is, it is available at: . If too many ppl bulks on the mailing list, I may consider changing it, if you can find a good reason for it.
    Michal Mihalik <>

    * fix: -l switch problem fixed, works with NT4 FR. Not W2k servers.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * fix: secure.c sec_process_mcs_data function had a problem when dealing with "non-encrypted" connections. A check had to be added to sec_parse_crypt_info to abort the function on nonencrypted frames.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * fix: endian.h create our own endian.h file on the fly with a little program ( endian.c ) that detects our endianess... Now... this should be compatible on most platforms...
    Per Kristian Hove <>
    * added: support for null passwords
    Andreas Pitt <>
    * added: support for xpos/ypos with to the -g flag.
    Andreas Pitt <>
    * fix: hostname may not be longer than 15 ( 30 in UNICODE ) so we cut.
    Assar Westerlund <>

    * fix: a minor bug with Michals code in the previous patch. The code has been cleaned a bit as well.
    Michal Mihalik <>
    * fix: Alex pointed out that the IRIX build had been broken when we started using endian.h. Let's see if it has been fixed...
    Alexander Antsiferov <>
    * fix: might copy data over buffer end ( buffer overflow ) when creating some strings, now username, hostname etc are dynamically created. Some of the code in rdp.c, licence.c, secure.c had to be changed as well as in rdesktop.c, did I miss anything?
    Paul Flinders <> && Peter Bystrom <>

    * fix: fixing the problems with long texts, process_text2(). the familiar "ERROR: get font 7:255"
    Michal Mihalik <>
    * fix: forcing signed char change variable in rdp_in_coord() since that is what change is...
    Roger Brown <>
    * fix: fixes a problem of composed keys (^ + o = ô) with new Linux distributions (Mandrake 8 and RedHat 7.1) it is bw compatible.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * fix: allow the use of Euro sign (<AltGr><E> for main countries).
    Vincent DEDIEU <>

    * added: a server module. < It doesn't touch the client code >. You have to remove an # in the Makefile to compile it. It should be considered in an alpha state. check the readme.txt file for further information.
    Mark Jonckheere <>

    * fix: used __ARCH, changed to __ARCH__ since this is standard.
    Matthew Wilcox <>
    * fix: using endian.h instead of checking endianess ourselves.
    Matthew Wilcox <>
    * fix: -P switch did not work with a value of 100.
    Martin Samuelsson <>

    * fix: fixes the cache font problem I ( Vincent ) reported (13/06/2001). Quick explanation: when a "DEMAND ACTIVE" request is received, the data structure must be reset only the fisrt time (at the connection). Else current variables used for orders (postion, size color...) are reset and every thing is broken.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * fix: correct behavior for Portuguese keyboard
    Vincent DEDIEU <>

    * fix: adding -mabi=32 on 32/64 bit irix.
    Roger Brown <>
    * fix: adding lost ctrl1 hangs fix ( got lost somewhere on the road )
    Norbert Federa <>

    * fix: adding -mips3 flag since it supports more hardware than the default -mips4
    Roger Brown <>
    * fix: the fix in the 19-6-3 patch was incorrect, probably due to me (peter) assuming that the -m flag would return mips. Alexander corrected me. Thanks!
    "Alexander Antsiferov" <>

    * fix: support for mips/irix.
    Alexander Antsiferov <>

    * fix: added -c flag to Makefile, install parts. At gnu platforms this doesn't seem to be an issue, but on others the manual file may be removed, and impossible to rebuild if this flag isn't present.
    Chris Knight <>
    * fix: when destroying window, we never checked if IM was null or not, this could result in core dumps on closure at times.
    Norbert Federa <>
    * fix: support for PowerPC, need align was missing.
    Jacco de Leeuw <>

    * instead of having some of the ssl lib in the rdesktop code, we link against the library, something like openssl 0.9.6 or compatible would be advised.
    Bradley Bell <>

    * fix: a license problem. rdesktop in itself is GLP:ed, but one of the libs it used was licensed only for noncommercial use. This issue is now resolved.If you don't have the GMP lib installed you will need it, it's currently available at:
    Bradley Bell <>

    * fix: fixed a paint problem, orders.c line 531, ROP2_COPY should be ROP2_NXOR.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>

    * fix: the code disabled in the previous patch is re-applied but only for vncviewers...
    Peter Bystrom <>

    * fix: keyungrab message is annoying, and very much unneeded.
    Tony Kew <>
    * hack: disabled the XKeyLookup code from Johannes ( 19-5-7 ). There's a problem with it that needs to be solved.
    Peter Bystrom <>

    * fix: F10-F12 didn't work under new kb code, wrong kb codes.
    Johannes Schindelin <>
    * fix: workaround for new-kb-code Xnvc and non US keyboard, problem is really with Xvnc.
    Johannes Schindelin <>
    * fix: added some missed chars for the new kbcode in the DE table, submitted to the wine project.
    Johannes Schindelin <>
    * fix: if XKeyLookup returns a single character the key is looked for by that ascii character. If it is found,the mod fiers settings are known and forced. If it is not found, the modifiers are not touched by translate_key.
    Johannes Schindelin <>

    * fix: initialize the complete array for the keys, use KS_MASK everywhere..
    Vincent DEDIEU <>

    * fix: 0x1ff wasn't enough to address dead keys among others, now using
    0x3ff isntead.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>

    * added: vncviewer support.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * fix: wine kb code is now possible to turn off/on by a command switch --new-kbcode instead of compile time define BROKEN_X_KB
    Vincent DEDIEU <>

    U-PATCH19-5-3: ( the first two patches were first included in 19-4-1 -- but as you see in the history if you look back, they have been lost... )
    * fix: while debugging -- error while printing incoming packets.
    Mark Jonckheere <>
    * fix: cursor oddness.
    Cristiano Boncompagni <>
    * fix: logic for destroying glyph_gc was inversed.
    Mark Jonckheere <>

    U-PATCH19-5-2: ( I believe that the new keboard code for non intel has had enough testing now; that this release and up should be considered for those who have continued to use 19-4-3 due to the changes done... )
    * fix: added numpad keys to the new keyboard handling code.
    Peter Bystrom <>
    * fix: someone complained on the "new style comments" // -- in a bad need to update their non gcc compiler I believe .. For compatibility with older compilers I have removed those I found.
    Peter Bystrom <>

    U-PATCH19-5-1: ( same as for patch 19-5 but this patch should be a bit more usable )
    * fix: fix some of the problems in the new keyboard handling code.
    Johannes Schindelin <>
    * fix: defined yet some more keys, also started to use symbols like XK_Escape etc, it's much easier to read.
    Peter Bystrom <>

    U-PATCH19-5: ( changes in this patch only affects people using BROKEN_X_KB, it might be wise to continue using 19-4-3 in production; if anyone is doing that.. )
    * added: isn't using genkb and that stuff anylonger. Instead we're using semantics similar to those of WINE. Some codes are missing that I noticed so far (PB) but in the end this will turn out to be much better.
    Johannes Schindelin <>

    * fix: Vertical Text, should not swap baseline when positioning text.
    Ed Parks <>
    * fix: first order code should be PATBLT after a reset, fixes other bac Ben McKeegan <>

    * fix: UnixWare added to Makefile
    Simon Lane <>
    * fix: Line draw missed opcode ( [8] wasn't enabled.. ) ( speedup )
    Ed Parks <>
    * fix: cursor inversion not needed on big-endian screens.
    Andrew Tefft <>
    * fix: bugfix: genkb.c - 0xffff instead of 0xfffe
    * fix: updated manpage.
    Hugo Trippaers <>

    * fix: manpage update.
    Hugo Trippaers <>
    * fix: xext needed when using xinerama.
    Hugo Trippaers <>
    * fix: remembering last XSetFunction() and not setting it again if the same, gives a slight performance gain on some setups.
    Peter Bystrom <>

    * fix: 8bpp fullscreen mode colmap problem.
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * fix: added aix to defines
    Doug K Nordwall <>
    * fix/typo: 'X' was missing from getopt()
    Norbert Federa <
    * added: -S|--bs x|p|n flag. selects backing store scheme, xwin, pixmap, none.
    Francisco Castro <>
    * fix: made the code logics conserning backing store options a bit cleaner.
    Francisco Castro <>
    * speed: stopped using CTrans() in translate() skips re-evaluation of statement for each pix.
    Francisco Castro <>
    * fix: also removed -X -x flags, since -S replaces them both.
    Francisco Castro <>
    * added: internal getopt/getopt_long commands -- ripped from GNU libc.
    Norbert Federa <>

    * fix: REPEAT() macro was speeded up a bit in bitmap.c, bitmap_decompress() goes from ~36% to ~22% of process CPU time.
    Peter Bystrom <>

    * fix: typo, KBD_FLAG_EXT shouldn't be used for DMod2 - xwin.c
    Norbert Federa <>
    * fix: 8bpp mode, fixes bad color maps, except for full screen - xwin.c
    Vincent DEDIEU <>
    * hack: temporarly disable long switches on other platforms than Linux, the check does NOT look for getopt_long, it just checks for linux and enables it.
    Peter Bystrom <>
    * fix: text draw speed up on solid backgrounds. ( affects slow cpus. )
    Francisco Castro <>

    * fix: enabled some order support that have been disabled ( triblt; among others. )
    Peter Bystrom <>
    * fix: set the incoming buffer size to 8k instead of 4k.
    Peter Bystrom <>
    * added: switch to disable systembeep
    Norbert Federa <>
    * fix: screen coordinates bug when negative values. Partly fixed?
    Sveinn Sveinsson <>
    * fix: added x backing store again, disable with --no-x-bs flag if screen flickers.
    Francisco Castro <>

    U-PATCH19-3-6-2: duh... this is how it goes when you don't have an IDE at home, oh well.. take two.
    U-PATCH19-3-6-1: this patch contains what the 19-3-6 patch should have, but didn't. and no, I haven't tested this yet...

    U-PATCH19-3-6: Ohh, I haven't been able to test this patch yet... you're on your own.
    * changed: now using long switches as well, some short removed.
    Peter Bystrom <>
    * fix: a one-liner fix for Franks patch in 19-3-1, earlier patch didn't have any effect due to this.
    Francisco Castro <>
    * fix: "scroll of death problem", didn't yield inputs from user when busy drawing, slows us down a tiny bit, but more responsive.
    Sveinn Sveinsson <>
    * fix: speed up the draw glyph; draw all on bs then copy to screen.
    Francisco Castro <>

    * fix: reverted the " ( favor small screen updates.. ) "-- "it only favors tests."
    Sveinn Sveinsson <>
    * fix: disable backing store in x since we have backingstore in the program...
    Sveinn Sveinsson <>
    * fix: added switch to change server port, useful when running through firewalls.
    Norbert Federa <>

    * fix: some optimization was added to the Makefile
    Sveinn Sveinsson <>
    * fix: glyph unroll in orders.c
    Peter Bystrom <>
    * fix: performance fix in rdp.c ( favor small screen updates.. )
    Sveinn Sveinsson <>
    * hack: hostname[64] instead of [16], still cuts at 16 length. Problem: gethostname fails if longer than buffer.
    Hugo Trippaers <>
    * fix: yet some keyproblems. ( "joe story" I believe it was. )
    Norbert Federa <>

    * fix: translate(): tightened and unrolled the for loops, translate() should be quicker now. Moved to end of xwin.c since it's a bit larger now. same should be done with the create glyph functions... next patch perhaps?
    Peter Bystrom <>
    * fix: big-endian compiled rdesktop on little-endian screen 32bpp works now.. or?
    Peter Bystrom <>

    * fix: caps lock / num lock cleanups -- fixes some problems with shifting between active/inactive window
    Ben McKeegan <>
    * added: better support for xinerama; fullscreen only runs on one screen instead of all.
    Hugo Trippaers <>
    * fix: updated manpage.
    Hugo Trippaers <>

    * fix: move the hack in 19-2-1 so that it will check values supplied with -w flag as well.
    Norbert Federa <>
    * fix: Invert the bits in brush->pattern in the ui_patblt function, since in X stipples 1s are fg and 0s are bg.
    Francisco Castro <>

    * fix: Makefile is now gcc dependent, however it supplies correct flags to the compilers, easier to build on solaris etc.
    Per Kristian Hove <>
    * fix: the broken x kb handling was cleaned up some, also fixed some keys like "double-S" etc in the provided kbcodes.h, not the ones generated with genkb.

    * fix: fixed ui_create_glyph() problem with bigendians viewing on little endian screens, and the other way around.
    Peter Bystrom <>

    * typo: desktopsize_percent is not a BOOL
    Norbert Federa <>
    * fix: use dpy_width/dpy_height instead of checking values everytime.
    Norbert Federa <>

    * fix: lost a row in the previous 19-2-1.. cut too much it seems. made -f flag stop working, nothing else.
    Peter Bystrom <>

    * hack: enabled the -P flag code, two lowest bits on width is cleared to make it an even 32-bit word.
    Peter Bystrom <>

    * fix: NEED_ALIGN is needed for alpha
    Per Kristian Hove <>
    * added: -P flag -- rdesktop gets a size in % of screen size. [There are some problems yielded through this code, but not directly related to this patch. The code will remain disabled till fixed in some way. ]
    Norbert Federa <>

    * fix: rare expose failures, missing XSetFunction()
    Sveinn Sveinsson <>
    * added: now disables winmgrs keymappings by default, use -K to enable.
    Sveinn Sveinsson <>
    * added: "fullscreen mode"
    Norbert Federa <>

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    Nov 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA

    Re: Idea

    Quote Originally Posted by stonent
    I've used knoppix to XDM to my SGI Indy and it has very good performance. I boot "knoppix 2" and then X -query
    For this to work from the client side, what do I have to setup on the server (xdmcp?)?


  5. #5
    Senior Member registered user
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    Jan 2003
    By default, Sun and SGI systems allow you to xdmcp into them.

  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
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    Nov 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA
    Well, how is this done in knoppix?


  7. #7
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Sounds about right.

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