OK. I still don't really think that there is any advantage of 3.1 over 4.0.2 or really any other Linux live CD out there for data recovery, but you sound like if you have problems with anything other than 3.1 you'll believe in your heart that the problem is that it isn't 3.1. I can understand that on some hardware you will need a CD rather than the DVD versions currently available. And, as previously stated, I was happier with 4.0.2 than 5.x or 6.x so I stayed on that a long time and really don't know if there were some problem that would keep 5 or 6 from recovering data when the early versions could, but it seems unlikely and if it were it should have been a topic of discussion here that I would have seen.

Also, don't worry about your messages needing mod approval. I'm one of the people who does that approval, so I'll see it as soon as I get back on weather it is approved or not (I actually approved your first message before I responded to it, your other responses were approved by someone else before I saw them). So there is never any waiting for approval to reach the core group of people that are most likely to be able to help you.

Since you still seem to feel that 3.1 is what you need, I'll intensify my search for an old 3.1 ISO and not bother with the 4.0.2 ISO that I have on my network. Check back whenever you can and look for a further response from me (or anyone else who can help). If I completely fail in finding a 3.1 ISO I'll post back what the oldest I've found is (there were 3.2 ISOs all the way to 3.6 if I remember right before 4.0.2, but the oldest that I have handy is the 4.0.2).