Does anyone here know if Bluetooth speakers are supported on the Knoppix V6.7.0CD? I was able to find the setup wizard through the menu preferences -> Bluetooth -> set up new device. From there I was able to pair-up the speaker with my computer. The device shows up on the menu as "vivitar speaker". Using the Bluetooth GUI I can connect and discontinued the speaker from the computer, as I do the speaker creates the appropriate tone and flashing light to indicate when it is connected and dis-connected from the computer.

My problem is that the ALSA system does not seam to recognize the Bluetooth speaker. I tried to use the curses program alsamixer to set the volume of the speaker, but when I used f6 to select sound card, there was no entry for the new speaker, just an entry for the built-in sound card. I also tried "aplay -l and the Bluetooth speaker was not on the list.

PS. I have Knoppix 7, but my backup computer is not powerful enough to run 7, even when the 3D effects are turned off. Knoppix V7 will boot, but it runs hair-pulling-ly slow.