If you would like to know what the wifi environment looks like where you are,
here's a little command-line way to display who's on which channel and how strong
they are relative to your own wifi.

You can easily try this out _temporarily_ by typing in the following line into
a Knoppix lxterminal:
alias wifi.scan='nmcli -p dev wifi list'
And, <enter>, of course. Then when you <enter> 'wifi.scan',
what you get may look like the following if you have a lot of yuppies with Ipads
and Kindles and Window computers and wireless printers in your neighborhood:
                              Wi-Fi scan list (wlan0)
*  SSID                            MODE   CHAN  RATE       SIGNAL  BARS  SECURITY  
   WARnet                          Infra  11    54 Mbit/s  25      ▂___  WPA1 WPA2 
   --                              Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  24      ▂___  WPA2      
   xfinitywifi                     Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  25      ▂___  --        
   LivingBrook                     Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  25      ▂___  WPA2      
   HOME-B0C2                       Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  27      ▂___  WPA1 WPA2 
   LivingBrook-Guest               Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  27      ▂___  --        
   --                              Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  22      ▂___  WPA1 WPA2 
   xfinitywifi                     Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  20      ▂___  --        
   walters                         Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  19      ▂___  WPA1 WPA2 
   H89L2                           Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  19      ▂___  WPA2      
   WARnet                          Infra  1     54 Mbit/s  25      ▂___  WPA1 WPA2 
*  MyWiFi                          Infra  6     54 Mbit/s  62      ▂▄▆_  WPA2      
   FiOS-9IX5R                      Infra  11    54 Mbit/s  20      ▂___  WPA2      
   FiOS-JHVGZ                      Infra  1     54 Mbit/s  25      ▂___  WPA2      
   FiOS-E9IHZ                      Infra  11    54 Mbit/s  17      ▂___  WPA2      
   HP-Print-57-Officejet Pro 8600  Infra  11    54 Mbit/s  20      ▂___  --        
   STRIPES                         Infra  11    54 Mbit/s  25      ▂___  WPA1 WPA2 
   snarfle                         Infra  11    54 Mbit/s  19      ▂___  WPA2      
   Basement                        Infra  11    54 Mbit/s  20      ▂___  WPA1 WPA2 
   87CX5                           Infra  3     54 Mbit/s  22      ▂___  WEP
I add the one line, wifi.scan='nmcli -p dev wifi list', to my executable .bashrc
file to make wifi.scan a _permanent_ built-in capability.
If you don't already have a .bashrc file, then make one and do chmod +x
to make it executable. Try it, you may like it.

This all presumes your wifi supports scanning. My wifi is a $20 replacement unit,
so this capability my very well be present in other inexpensive computers like mine.