Expecting a bugfix release of 7.6
Please have a look at the last message of Prof. Knopper:
Workaround for cheatcode memtest:
aptitude update
aptitude install memtest86+
rm -f /mnt-system/boot/syslinux/memtest
cp /boot/memtest86+.bin /mnt-system/boot/syslinux/memtest
Workaround for "knoppix-terminalserver":
change within the script lines 722, 723 as follows:
IP="$(LANG=C LC_ALL=C ifconfig "$DEVICE" | awk '/[Ii]net/{FS="[: ]*"; $0=$0; print $3; exit}')"
NETMASK="$(LANG=C LC_ALL=C ifconfig "$DEVICE" | awk '/[Mm]ask/{FS="[: ]*"; $0=$0; print $5; exit}')"
Thanks for the info, Werner. It's really handy to have a working memtest86+ accompanying the latest KNOPPIX, especially when there is a computer crisis and turning it off-and-on doesn't help at all. Btw, an updated version of knoppix-terminalserver is also available to download from KNOPPIX's repository.
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