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Thread: Flash_Boot_Only_iso? A Possible Suggestions to Mr KNOPPER ?

  1. #11
    Senior Member registered user
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    Quote Originally Posted by Werner P. Schulz View Post
    Did you really read my posting? You don't need to install Knoppix; only download the ISO and open it within mc.
    Hello, Werner.

    I read your posting.
    I had no idea opening things with mc was so magical.

    Both you and Klaus K have some magic to tell us about.
    What does it mean to 'open something with mc'?

  2. #12
    Moderator Moderator
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    To "open" the ISO within mc: Select the downloaded ISO and [Enter]. You'll see the content of the ISO: "KNOPPIX, boot, efi ...". Select KNOPPIX and [Enter]. Now you'll see the file bootonly.iso. Copy this file to another position and burn it to a CD or use it within VirtualBox, VMWare or kvm-qemu.

  3. #13
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    @w.p.Schulz @utu


    Yes I read your posting, found the boot_only_cd_iso and copied it

    somewhere as I mentionned already.

    Now this NOT a problem to find it...Utu also gave another method (into


    But you say : " ...copy it and BURN ...or useit within...".

    My "problem" (for a newbie!) was: "No use of Cd_Dvd_Burner!

    Moreover using VirtualBox needs (for me) the knoppix ALREADY running: that

    virtualbox furnished by knoppix_7.6. I guess there are other

    methods for virtualbox independently. But this would be far from the

    original post.

    superman gives a very good way for CREATING a Flash_boot_only...with success.

    utu gave a very good KK_reference of what I exactly want despite I cannot try


    This reference is worthwhile to insist on and review.


    1- You referred yourself to the boot_only_cd within the "mnt-system" of the live_Flash.

    2- So I understand your question about "Opening the file...."...conceptual etc...

    3- The reference you gave me in #6 may work very well. I shall try after some days.

    Best regards to all 3 helpers.

    Last edited by knp; 12-10-2015 at 04:02 PM.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Werner P. Schulz View Post
    To "open" the ISO within mc: Select the downloaded ISO and [Enter]. You'll see the content of the ISO: "KNOPPIX, boot, efi ...". Select KNOPPIX and [Enter]. Now you'll see the file bootonly.iso. Copy this file to another position and burn it to a CD or use it within VirtualBox, VMWare or kvm-qemu.
    This cannot be inferred as a solution from the premise that one doesn't have a cd/dvd capability and the statement:

    The flash-knoppix script since Knoppix 7.6.0 supports on-the-fly conversion of a DVD ISO image for direct flashing of a USB pendrive...

  5. #15
    Hi, knp:

    Thanks for the feedback regarding the approach described in the post #5. I'm neither a computer guru nor being always on the same channel as others... Additionally, from my viewpoint, the mentioned approach is merely a temporary measure to boot up KNOPPIX (in general) using the matching version of bootonly.iso because the versatility of this approach relies on the capability of the bootloader installed on the device. At the moment, the EFI counterpart of memdisk used for loading the bootonly.iso is yet to be implemented and thus this method has no use for computers having no BIOS support. By the way, thanks for bringing this idea up, so that I can get my KNOPPIX DVD archives organised.

    ================================================== =====

    Hi, utu:

    Quote Originally Posted by utu View Post
    I believe it likely to be true that once you have a Knoppix 7.6 LiveDVD or LiveUSB,
    the Knoppix menu function, flash-knoppix, in Knoppix 7.6, will use a dd operation
    to prepare other additional LiveDVDs &/or LiveUSBs using hybrid isos as sources.
    If the DVD of KNOPPIX 7.6.0 is being referred to, the output of fdisk doesn't show that the DVD is of an isohybrid image.

    Quote Originally Posted by utu View Post
    This cannot be inferred as a solution from the premise that one doesn't have a cd/dvd capability and the statement:

    The flash-knoppix script since Knoppix 7.6.0 supports on-the-fly conversion of a DVD ISO image for direct flashing of a USB pendrive...
    Despite I haven't tried out the installation of KNOPPIX 7.6.0 using the built-in flash-knoppix command, I don't see why installing KNOPPIX in this fashion is hampered so long as the computer is able to be booted up via BIOS routine, the primary bootloader to load the bootonly.iso file to the ram and the DVD iso file to be on a different device than the target. Just to be on the safe side, the bootonly.iso file used for booting the currently running KNOPPIX is also on a different device than the target.

  6. #16
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    @utu, @superman

    Please have a look on this text quoted from "infos... ADRIANE_Knoppix_7.2 and 7.0):

    But it is easy to create a bootable USB-stick or flashcard from a running Knoppix system, as described in the next section.
    Booting from Flash

    [IMG]file:///home/knoppix/T%C3%A9l%C3%A9chargements/KNOPPIX%207.2.0%20_%20ADRIANE%201.5%20-%20Live%20CD%20_%20DVD%20knoppix%20usb_boot_only_f ichiers/sd.png[/IMG] In order to create a bootable USB-medium (memory flashdisk, SD-card, digital camera with USB connector, cellphone with microSD, ...), the program flash-knoppix can be started from a running Knoppix ".

    1- So the citation given by utu from Mr K.K. is very worthwhile and "conceptual".

    The referred "Flash-Program" is not INDEPENDANT. This program "cannot" be

    used for an "iso_file" BEFORE having BURNT the "CD_Boot_Only" .

    ( via the cheatcode "bootfrom=.....*.iso" ).

    2- I do'nt understand "the On_the_Fly" method" for "flashing" the "boot_only_CD"

    (or other).

    3- Moreover I have to perform that "VirtualBox" furnished by the live "knoppix_7.2":

    It accept the "Boot_Only_CD" ...but not my "7.6_iso_File" for the moment.

    2 reasons apparently:

    a- Usage of "USB_Devices" which needs an update of VirtualBox.

    b- the "iso_File" (4.1 Go > 4Go) has been copied somewhat "profoundly":

    *** on a folder of a "knoppix_system_device or

    *** not on the root of a "NTFS_Partition".

    I hope to succed.

    3- I have not tried yet the good superman's method: I have to be acquainted with

    Syslinux before.

    I am waiting news. Thanks you altogether.


  7. #17
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    A plausible explanation

    Quote Originally Posted by knp View Post
    2- I do'nt understand "the On_the_Fly" method" for "flashing" the "boot_only_CD"
    A Linux live system iso is a single read-only file which on proper expansion
    contains (at least) three things:
    1. a slighly smaller read-only iso, which on expansion defines a comlete
    working linux system;
    2. executable program material necessary for booting an initial, slightly smaller
    read-only system iso, and for combining this with parallel read-write
    3. executable program material to set-up a parallel read-write linux system
    to collect and retain changes to the initial linux system.

    I use the Windows partition of my laptop
    to download Knoppix and other Live system isos and
    to store these isos on the Windows system ntfs partition.

    With a Live Linux -iso other than Knoppix-, I also use Windows and either
    one of two free windows programs, Unetbootin or UniversalUSBInstaller,
    to make a Live Linux USB.

    With Knoppix, since I have a CD/DVD in my computer,
    I make a Knoppix LiveCD or LiveDVD, and from a menu choice on either of these,
    I use 'Knoppix Install to Flash' to make a Live Knoppix USB.

    Windows Unetbootin, UniversalUSBIstaller and Knoppix 'Install to Flash Disk' each
    may be used to provide three functions on a LiveUSB given a LiveUSB iso file:
    1. a means of booting a compact, read-only LiveUSB system iso;
    2. a compact read-only bootable iso of a working linux system; and, optionally
    3. a means of providing a read/write persistence element to save material,
    including system changes to be available on reboot.
    I think the essential ingredient of Unetbootin, UniversalUSBInstaller and
    Install-to-Flash-Disk which allows making a LiveUSB from a LiveUSB iso
    may be the command dd which, is of the form:
    sudo dd if=/dev/if of=/dev/of bs=4k && sync
    where, for example
        if=/media/sda3/Users/User/isos/LiveUSB.iso (on the ntfs partition) and
    and    of=/media/sdc1                             (the targeted USB)
    Rather than use a dd command-line approach by itself, it is somewhat safer
    to use a gui such as Unetbootin, UniversalUSBInstaller or 'Install to Flash Disk,
    because of the downside of mis-identifying if and of devices. If one specifies
    the Windows OS device as an output, dd it will over-write the Windows OS, and
    this is essentially an un-recoverable error. Obviously, this error is only less
    likely, but still a possiblility even when using the gui approach.

    I think dd in some guise may be what Klaus K means when he uses the terms
    'on-th-fly method' or 'direct flashing'. It is the only way I can imagine how to
    get a Linux LiveUSB.iso to end up as a Live Linux system on a USB device,
    without the use of an intermediate LiveCD or or LiveDVD product.

    Academics are proud of phrases like 'it can be shown that' which cause much
    consternation in some circles, but allow a great economy in text.

  8. #18
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    Flash_Boot_Only etc...

    Hi utu

    Thanks you. I think also that you had pointed the right "interpretation_correction" to do.

    I had forgotten "unetbootin and pendrive" for their relative "instability" and these
    reasons among others (relative to my material some years ago):

    1- Unetbootin had refused twice to work.
    2- Pendrive used to lack compatibility with the LAST versions ("iso_files).
    Moreover the done installation did not save settings.
    3- On this forum some senior members recommended not to use them nor other programs
    for knoppix_installation.

    Perhaps these programs have been updated (quasi surely).
    But I work with a very old laptop which can boot on many devices...CD_DVD in particular.
    So updated windows_based_programs may not work.
    Nevetheless I shall try again these programs because you also are very experimented.

    I arised this problem for these reasons (very shortly).
    a- I got an knop_7.6_iso_file.
    b- I did not have any free CD_DVD...Then, EQUIVALENTLY, "I had No DVD_Writer" !!!!).
    c- I tried to boot the "7.6_iso_file" with my "7.2_boot_only_CD".
    I thought that the error came from combining "Knop_7.2" and "Knop_7.6"
    ...and so on....for the thread.


    a- It may be useful to be able to use the same "boot_only_CD" for the different variants
    of the same knoppix. I mean one "boot_CD" for ALL " Knoppix_7.** " by example.

    b- it may be very useful to conceive different kinds of "boot_only_DEVICES" and propose
    them on the repositories (or in the folder "iso_KNOPPIX" like the "boot_only_CD_FILE"
    reachable by the Midnight_Commander as W.P.Schulz told us).

    Thanks you very much utu


  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by knp View Post
    c- I tried to boot the "7.6_iso_file" with my "7.2_boot_only_CD".
    I thought that the error came from combining "Knop_7.2" and "Knop_7.6"
    ...and so on....for the thread.
    I also thought this might work, but it didn't.
    flash-knoppix for 7.6 is a larger program than that in 7.4 so that might account for different capabilities.
    I don't think we have a good simple answer on how to bootstrap a Knoppix 7.6 LiveUSB without a dvd burner.
    I'm pretty sure it is possible using dd, but that doesnt help automate booting and persistence.

  10. #20
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    Re "a simple way ...for 7.6.

    But we must hope and search since it's not very urgent.
    Best regards

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