
Here is the procedure I followed
Formatting a partition in fat,
Copy on this dvd partitition via flash install
Starting with the DVD by doing fromhd = / dev / (fat partition)
Copy of the boot directory in mnt-system,
Chmod + x / boot / *
Back to my boot partition: debian strech
Editing my /etc/grub.d/40_custom file

Menuentry 'knoppix' {
Insmod part_msdos
Insmod fat
Insmod chain
Set root = 'hd1, msdos1'
Search -no-floppy -fs-uuid -set = root (uuid number of my partition)
Linux / boot / vmlinuz root = / dev / sdb1
Initrd /boot/ninirt.gz
Boot desktop = gnome
It works very well and the startup is very very fast