Is your Knoppix installed on a USB key?
Hey guys! At first id like to apologize my bad english but all those german "pros" just dont know anything. i for my own have to say that im not that keen on knoppix but i understand a bit and im not that noobie... So guys i need your help! My girlfriends HDD crashed... Unfortunatly there is a alot of data on it and windows couldnt read the disk because of RAW. so i installed knoppix and am trying for ages to rescue her data. now i`ve messed up a lil bit i think... i wanted to copy the data via terminal (cp -r) but after two days copying only 4GB i decided to cancel that one and make on folder where only the data is which she needs. because copzing the whole windows stuff is not necessary... so after i`ve done that i had two symlinks and one folder which is stuffed with symlinks and i cant find any of the data... is there a way to rescue the data? because i could see them on knoppix but i didn`t delete anything... it should be somewhere on the disk.. please help me cause im really worried and dont know what to do... Greetz and thanks in advance!
Is your Knoppix installed on a USB key?
PS -
Your thread/topic should be in the General Support forum, not in Tips & Tricks.
Ok, I've moved the thread.
Last edited by Werner P. Schulz; 06-09-2016 at 09:51 PM.
Did your identical post in HDDGURU solve your problem:
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