Hi, I finally moved up to 7.6. I would like to purge KDE from the system. Excepting 2 or 3 programs, I don't really care for KDE. However, I do not want to remove anything that will damage the system. I will look at what aptitude says. But I thought I could ask the experts here first. -- Moving in, Freeman
Commodore 64 Computer With Power Supply. Clean, but Untested.
The VIC-20 Experience Commodore VIC Computer Book c64/c128d
LOT of 13 Commodore 64 Cartridges - Mach 5 and others - Untested - I4
Commodore 64 Dead Test & Diagnostic Cartridge & Test Harness Set - USA seller
1984 Vintage Commodore Portable Computer Model SX- 64 WORKS no keyboard
Commodore 64 MicroComputer - Ultimate Elite 64. New Build Commodore 64
Vintage Commodore Amiga 2000 Computer System JPN
Vintage External Commodore 1571 Floppy Main board.
Vintage Commodore Vic 20 Computer In Original Box & Manuals Untested No Cords
Commodore 64 emulation computer